Chapter 11: Where You Shall Find New Friends and Enemies!

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"Oh my god, is she drooling? She's drooling!" A slightly faint voice exclaims, stirring me from my slumber.

I mumble something softly before turning on my side, trying to go back to dream world, slightly irritated at the person.

"Um, Tessie–" Another voice graces my ears before abruptly shutting up.

"I never really saw her as the type to drool," the first voices muses, not getting the hint that I want sleep.

"Tessie, I don't really–"

"Do you think it's bec–" the sound of someone clapping their hand over a mouth doesn't deter the first voice. "—Amph omph da phayeen–"

"Go away, annoying voice," I mutter, burying my head onto my pillow. "Before I murder you with my bare hands."

"Did... You hear that?" The first voice asks, a slight offended tone lacing into the voice. The feminine voice no longer muffled.

"Isn't she... Violent when it comes to her sleep," the second voice says as I finally recognize it as Ruby's which makes the first one Teresa.

"Meh, meh, meh," I mumble, tossing slightly before kicking my blanket off.

It takes me a few seconds to open my eyes but when I finally do, I close them immediately. The bright light coming from my bedroom's window passing through my eyelids.

"Why have I just been awaken at this unholy hour– Is it even allowed to be awake yet?" I mutter, my eyes still shut.

A moment passes between us before Teresa breaks the short silence. "It's seven-thirty. We're supposed to be at school in about twenty minutes. The car ride is ten minutes long so technically, you only have ten minutes to get ready."

It takes me half a second for those last words to register in my mind but as soon as they do, I'm out of my comfortable bed and on my feet.

"Frick, frick, frick," I mutter to myself as I open my suitcase –which I haven't unpacked yet– and start searching through it to pick out an outfit.

As soon as I find my clothes, I shoo Teresa and Ruby out of my room before going to my other suitcase to grab a brush, and school supplies. I grab a back bag before emptying it and shoving my school supplies in there. I quickly stumble to the bathroom –which is two doors down from my room and technically not in my room– to change into the clothes I picked out.

Trying to do everything at once gets everything done faster but it definitely takes a lot more energy. Come on, it's already morning I barely have energy as it is.

"Jordan, hurry up, querida!" My aunt yells upstairs impatiently.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I yell back as I make my way into my room to grab my bag. I quickly slip on some black sneakers. I grab the necessary make up that I need from my makeup bag –yes, I have that even though I don't use half of the things in there– before tossing it in my bag. I check to see that I'm not missing anything before quickly slipping on my good luck ring.

I speed downstairs as I grab a hairband from my other bag. I kiss my aunt goodbye in the cheek as she gives me a Tupperware with food. I thank her quickly before jogging to where Ruby and Teresa are waiting besides a very flashy car. We all get inside as she turns on the engine and speeds away.

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