Chapter 25: I'm Definitely Not Telling You Now

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Jordan Leith

Becoming a doctor has never been a dream of mine; the thought of saving lives has always drove me forward though. I'm determined to

I stop.

"To what...?" I mutter to myself, sticking my pencil into my ponytail as I stare at my paper. I stare at it for so long that my eyesight begins to blur and my head starts to hurt. I groan, slamming my head on the table, hoping that no one heard that.

Of course, I'm all the way at the back of the library and barely anyone comes inside here and if they do, they're at the bookshelves or somewhere else. Or they're easily chased out for being too loud by the librarian.

I take off my glasses, placing them on the table as I rub my eyes. "Stupid college applications that I need to hand in," I mumble tiredly.

It's already bad enough that a certain man is about to become president and that all hope is lost for America. I left applying to colleges for the last minute and now it's finally taking its toll on me as it hits me with regret. I sigh, my stomach rumbling as I find myself hungry, wondering what we'll be having for lunch.

"You need to turn in all of your applications by tomorrow!" I hear my teacher's voice from earlier ring in my ear.

"And then there's those stupid exams," I say before groaning out loud, hating senior year. I sigh, tracing a pattern on the table absentmindedly, feeling grateful that this year probably won't be as bad as junior year. Then again, applying to colleges, dealing with jerks, a school filled with stereotypes and cliches... Oh, this year is just turning out wonderful, isn't it?

I smile faintly. At least I have a scholarship and I'm finally graduating, I think wistfully to myself. I won't have to bother myself with petty high school students anymore.

But I'm not on the soccer team, I think sadly, And they won't even bother with a girl's soccer team! I tell myself mentally, angry at this school. Angry at my mother. Angry at myself.

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear the bell ring, grabbing my things and placing them in my satchel. I hide my glasses deep under everything as the only time they're required is if I'm spending a long time staring at a computer or if I'm somewhere alone and doing something productive. I pick myself up from my seat, wandering out of the sanctuary of the library, heading towards lunch.

I still need to put a title on my paper, I muse to myself as I began to blend into the crowd, chatter drowning out my thoughts.

I look down, not in the mood to socialize with anyone as I walk in a daze, ignoring my surroundings. I don't notice Alex until he calls out to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. Twirling me around, I let out a small shriek of surprise wondering why the heck someone thought it'd be a great idea to touch me. Involuntarily, I swing my arm wildly, except I don't hit anyone as someone grasps my wrist, making me stumble slightly as they pull me towards them.

My gaze is met with someone's chest, making me frown slightly as I look up, recognizing a very familiar face. He looks down at me with an amused smile on his face.

"Just out of curiosity, how tall are you?" He asks me, twirling me around once more so that I'm now facing forward. He ever so casually lets his arm hang around my shoulder as we move through the crowd.

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