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Will was acting a bit off today. He was staring at El all day and when she caught him staring, He would stiffen up and get flustered. Ever since yesterday he's been acting like this, it's starting to irritate me. I decided to confront will about this. "Hey will, can I talk to you alone please?" I ask. He replies "Oh, yeah sure, why not?" "Do you like el?" I ask, "...." "I knew it," "w-what?" Will asks obviously flustered about the question. "Look, will, I love el, can you please just let me have this?" "I don't like el, I don't know what you are talking about" will obviously lies, then he walks away to join in on the conversation with the guys and el.
Why is mike getting all up on my business, I didn't do anything to him so why does he notice my behavior around el? I mean, yeah, I think I have developed feelings for the mute girl that has abilities, but, I mean come on, at LEAST one of us was bound to grow feelings towards el since she was now part of the party. But when Mike told me he liked el it just made me want to win her over even more. But first I can't really win her over by just staring at El.
Mike and Will are acting weird. They are now always glaring at each other and mike is being more flirtatious and close to el than before. Same goes with Will, it's like he is trying to be more talkative with el and more around her lately. This is all bullshit.
Mike and Will are being more friendly and close, will is even trying to talk to me more, and mike is being kind of romantic but also friendly at the same time, he's also been really close to me lately. I wonder what is up with those two. Also a while back, he kept staring at me and when I confronted him about it he usually blushed and said it was nothing. I really like mike, and I think he likes me too Considering the fact that we have kissed multiple times. I just don't know how to tell him.
What in the world is mike and will doing? It's just plain ludicrous!

OKAY I CAN EXPLAIN!! Look, I am trying to pull myself to update every day so if I don't  update it's because I either need to get my sorry ass up and start writing or I have had a busy day, so bare with me please. Bye!

A Bumpy Road {a Mileven Fanfic With A Twist} (on Hold, Sorry Loves)Where stories live. Discover now