snow ball

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Today is the snow ball dance. OH MY GOD I'M SO NOT READY!! I have no idea what to wear and I have no idea how much I'm going to blush this evening. I mean, I have my outfit, but I just don't know what to say to el, it's going to be a long evening. I put on my outfit which consisted of a nice white dress shirt with some black tuxedo pants. I looked nice but I still wonder how el looks because Nancy is picking her outfit and i don't know how I'll be able to react and it's ALL REALLY COMPLICATED AND I JUST CAN'T SEEM TO NET STRESS OU- "Michael!" My mom calls out. I run downstairs to tend my mom and ask what she wanted. "Michael I want you to wait down here while Elle gets dressed please." "Ok mom" Did I mention that she knows about eleven but instead of calling her eleven I said her name was elle. So yeah she's not so much of a secret now. Sorta. I hear Nancy's door open and I immediately stand up to see el. Nancy comes out first and she motions el to come out of nancys room, when she got el to go out of her room and present herself it was probably the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. El was wearing a light blue dress with sequins at the bottom of it, she was also wearing a short white cardigan over the dress. She was wearing light pink flats also. El was stunning. "Well, mike are you just going to gape or are you going to take elle to the snow ball?" Said Nancy. I blushed and went up to el to take her with me to the snow ball. "You look amazing" I said. "You too." She said. I can see that she's blushing too. My mom wants to take a photo for my first snow ball so me and El side hug eachother and smile for the picture. Once mom took the photo me and El said goodbye but Nancy JUST HAD TO SAY SOMETHING. "HAVE FUN ON YOUR DATE!!!" said nancy. I swear that all my blood was focused on my face because as soon as nancy said that, El asked if I was okay. We both hopped onto my bike and we rode all the way to the school. Once we got there we entered the gymnasium and I had to tell el that everything was going to be alright because there was flashing lights and a smoke machine. Me and El danced a little bit and El said over all of the chatter "mike!" "Yeah?!" I replied. " I'm glad!" Said el "Me too!" I said, And I hug her and she hugs me back! Everything is going perfectly! After a while the dj puts on some slow dance music and says some cheese line like " Alright guys and girls time to pair up with your lover" or "everyone get your special individual and get slow" or something like that. Me and El start slow dancing and we start talking "this is going amazing el, thank you" "no, thank you mike" " el, um, there's something I have to tell you..." "mhmm" "uhh, el?" "Yes mike?" "I, uh, I-i love you el, and I just want to know how you feel bac-" El had kissed me before I could finish my sentence. OH MY GOD EL KISSED ME AHHHH "mike, I love you too" "..." I was absolutely speechless. I then cupped el's face and kissed her back passionately and with all my heart and soul and hugged her. "I love you el, and nothing is going to stop me from ever loving you" I said. And with that we went home and got into our normal clothes and just relaxed, now knowing our true feelings towards eachother makes things a lot more easier. " I'm going to get eggos from the kitchen I'll be back, or do you want to come with me?" "I'll come" said el. And with that we went up to the kitchen, got waffles, and share our first waffle together. I don't know if we are together together but I know that we love each other and that we don't speak of this to the guys.

I'll just let you guys feed on this also you mikestrangerthings

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