the thessalhydra

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I was in my room, the only thing illuminating my room was the moonlight through the windows. I was under the covers of my bed still traumatized by the monster that took me to that hell, that terrorized me and my friends and family. The demogorgon. I was trying to fall asleep but I couldn't stop thinking about everything that is going on. Mike and el, the demogorgon, school, James and troy, Jonathan. It's all so frustrating. I just need to stay away from sharp objects and I need to control myself when I get hallucinations, easy. Well, maybe not so easy, but it's a work in progress. I somehow manage to fall asleep so i try to make the most of it. I wake up only to find myself in the world i call hell. I try my best to keep my freaking out to hyperventilation until someone snaps me out of it but no one comes, then I scream. Then mom comes to me, hugs me, and whispers reassuring words to me snapping me out of it. I guess I really do need to scream. I tell mom I was okay and get dressed. Once I finish breakfast I head over to Mikes house. I knock on his basement door, I try to open it but instead of it being locked, it was... open? I walked inside, only to find and empty basement. I walk upstairs to his room and open the door. Only to find mike still asleep with... EL?!?! Wh-wh-what happened last night?! What in the world did they do? "MIKE!!" I yell startling mike and el. "W-will?! What are you doing here?" Mike asks flustered and confused. "We WERE going to play D&D but it looks like you are busy doing, well, I'll leave that up to you explaining what you and EL ARE DOING IN THE SAME BED!" I demand. I look towards el and she is already super flustered but when she meets my eyes she manages to blush even more sending her under the covers. Ugh. I knew I never had a chance but come on. They are now sleeping together even though they aren't even a coup- wait, are they a couple? "Wait, are you guys like a thing now?" I ask trying. "Uhm, yes, We are. And we love eachother very much" He replies. "Just because you love eachother.... DOESN'T MEAN YOU SLEEP TOGETHER!!!" I say with a blush on my face. Then I leave his room and go back downstairs. I can't believe them. El especially. Why? Why did she sleep with him? I need answers. Once mike comes down I immediately bombard him with questions like "are you out of your mind?" "What do you will happen when the guys find out" and "What lead you to sleeping with el?!" I ask. "I'm not out of my mind I know what I'm doing and she knows too, I don't plan on telling the guys about this so I am counting on you to not be a snitch about this, and we just were really happy about what happened all yesterday." Mike replied. "What exactly happened all day yesterday?" I ask cautiously. "Went on a date together." Mike said. It wasn't really a suprise anymore though. "I think I'm just going to leave. Bye mike, I'll see you Tomorrow." Say. "Will, wait come on man" mike says trying to get me back but it doesn't work, I'm already on my bike. I ride my bike all the way home not stopping for anything. As i got home I saw mom on the couch sleeping with hopper. Well then. Today is the worst. I head to my room and just sit on my bed, contemplating life.

I went back upstairs to check on El buy when I open the door I accidentally walk in on her getting dressed, all I see is her lower half which is enough for me to blush so much omg I saw her entire lower half of her, panties and all. "OH MY GOD I'M STILL STANDING HERE MOVE YOU IDIOT MOOOVVVEE!!!" I yell are myself mentally "AHHH I-I-IM SORRY EL!!!" I yell and quickly shut the door. I run downstairs and into the basement. I was breathing heavily and I still was very flustered. IDIOT, STUPID, NUMBNUT!! I JUST HAD TO GO IN WHEN SHE WAS GETTING DRESSED, I DIDN'T EVEN KNOCK OMG EL IS GOING TO KILL ME!

When mike walked in on me he acted like it was the most embarrassing thing on earth but I don't see the problem. All he saw was my panties and legs. No big problem. But I think there was a problem in his pants, I saw something like a bulge. Eh, might just be my eyes playing tricks on me. Once I'm fully clothed I go downstairs to the basement where I see Mike still blushing. "Hey mike." I greet. He immediately looks up to me and blushes even more making me blush because if I see him blush it makes me blush and right now I bet were just a blushing mess and oh my God I'm rambling on mentally aren't I? The bulge in his pants is gone, I guess I really was just imagining things. But I am interested in to what was in his pants, but I guess that question can wait. "Hey, U-uh look im r-really sorry I w-walked in on you. I should have knocked, I'm just really sorry." Mike apologizes. Why was he apologizing? "Why are you apologizing?" I ask. "Well, normally, guys aren't supposed to see a girls lower half of her body, And, and when they do it when... when they are.... uh... you know, uh, doing it." Mike said with a crimson face. "What is 'doing it'" I asked. "Uhhh, well, it when a guy and girl get undressed and rub their bodies together..." Mike said flustered. She I blushed because that sounds really lewd. "Oh" I said. "Y-yeah I'm sorry, I really should have knocked." Mike said guilty. "It's okay mike, it didn't do any harm so it's ok." I said. I went up to him and kissed his forehead. Mike looked up to me and kissed my cheek. I giggled and then soon enough we were a cute giggling mess. This was nice, I hope we can be like this forever.

I lie on my bed thinking about what happened. It just kept replaying in my head, them in the bed, wait was el naked? Was mike naked too? I don't know, I can't remember clearly. I've been crying in my pillow for 45 minutes. I got up to go get a cup of water but I accidentally spilled it on the carpet. I went to go get a towel but when I came back there was this thing, it had right long necks coming put of a single mouth. Oh my god. The thessalhydra. Before I could even react it took me and I was out before I knew it. This really was the worst day in history.

I updated today YAAAAAY
I like this chapter it has alot of filling. Aight I'll let you guys feed off of this. Byeeee

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