the perfect day(te)

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Will was at home, crying. He felt so alone at the moment and he didn't want to burden any of his friends to come over and he also didmt want to be annoying to troy too so that was crossed off his list.

Will went to go make hot chocolate, it was his comfort food and right now, he really needed it.

After he made hot chocolate, he sat on the couch with a blanket wrapped around him as he watched his favorite cartoons. He had his walkie talkie right by him if he really needed to talk to someone but this hot chocolate seemed to be really doing the trick.

As Will flipped through channels he came across his favorite cartoon and he smiled a bit. He continued to watch until his hot chocolate was all gone and he was getting tired.

Soon he turned the tv off and went to his room, closing the door. Jonathan and mom weren't home right now, they were at work but Jonathan would come home soon, he never works when wills home so Will knew he was coming any minute now.

For now, will snuggled up in bed and he closed his eyes, drifting slowly into unconsciousness


I woke up with el in my arms, it was sunrise and I felt so awake and energized. Ugh. I stayed on the couch where el was sleeping soundly against me. I didn't want to move because I didn't want to wake up el. After a while she slowly slid off of me and to the other side of me, thank god. I want outside quietly and expected my face to be bombarded with freezing air but instead it wasn't cold at all. Actually, it was kinda hot outside. A wide smile was fixated on my face "spring!" I said excitedly. I loved the spring time, it was perfect weather season. Also Easter but Easter it overrated. I went upstairs After closing the door and made cereal. I had a feeling that today was gonna be a good day.


I woke up to the feeling of no one beside me. upsetting. I walked upstairs After getting ready For the day and washing up, I saw Mike eating cereal and I went to go make myself some too. "Wait, el, I already made you some" he says, "thanks mike" I smile, aww, he made cereal for me? That's so nice! I wasn't behind him and hugged him from behind and then went to go eat my cereal.

After we ate Mike suggested that we go for a bike ride. I nodded and we were heading outside and then I felt a hot-ish feeling all around me, it was making me feel all gross and moist "mike, what is this gross feeling, I hate it" I said with disgust as I quickly went back inside. "Huh, it's more humid than earlier this morning. That's called spring and right now it's super humid,and what's making you feel moist is called sweat. Dont worry, I won't harm you." he said. Sweat? What the heck? Sweat is so gross. I don't want to ever feel like that again!

I see Mike chuckling and I look at him confused "well, el, it's call spring and it's only getting worse in the summer, thankfully, pools are gonna open soon in summer so we'll be able to go soon" (hint hint) he smiles. Hmm, "what's a pool?" I ask, sounds like a type of spoon. "Its a big tub filled..with..uhh..water." he says. "What?" I ask


Now that I think of it, that sounds terrible, considering what happened to el a while ago."but, its filled with people and everyone gets to have fun, but there are some rules you have to follow" I smile, hoping she'll understand. Thankfully, she smiled and nodded "that sounds so fun!"she exclaims. Oh thank god.


I still don't get it but it sounds like I'll just have to find out for myself. Soon. "So, what do you want to do now?" I ask. "We can still go outside, you'll just have to not wear such hot clothing. Like, you can wear a short sleeve now."he smiled. Oh yeah, I remember. I went to go change into one of Mike's shirts and some of Nancy's jeans shorts. I came out wearing Mike's pink shirt that he refuses to wear cause he says it's a "girly color" which happened to look nice on me when tucked in sooo. And I wore Nancy's high waisted jean shorts that reached the thigh and my dirty white converse. Man, I looked good today!

I went outside and it felt so much better. "Mike, I'm ready!" I called. Mike came out and looked dazzled at me "wow, you look.. Pretty" he smiled goofily "thanks mike" I smiled and got on his bike "c'mon, let's go!" i said happily. Mike snapped back into his senses and a giggled a bit.

We rode all around the little town and we were soon at this forest clearing in the woods. I gasped in awe and looked around, it was so pretty. "Mike, where are we?"I ask with a smile "do you like it? It took me hours to find a place like this and here it is, it's also a perfect place to gaze at the stars and a perfect place in general." he smiled. I loved this boy with all my heart I swear. "Mike, this is so, oh my god, I love you mike!" I say as I run up to him and hug him tightly. He hugs me back "I love you too el, I took my backpack and I brought a blanket for sitting on and a bit of food." he smiles sheepishly. "Mike, you're the best boyfriend anyone could have and I'm so happy you brought me here" I say with gratitude. I hug him tightly and after a while we set up the blanket and just cuddled there until it was too hot. Then we moved to some shade and continued cuddling. This was the perfect date, no doubt about it.

Alright I have some explaining to do for you guys. I have obviously not been updating and in sincerely sorry for my absence on chapters. That's why I will be making new ones today to make up for it. I also hinted something that will happen soon but that's soon. Anyways, I'm gonna be making new chapters, like I said, so be ready for that. Also, GUYS DID YOU SEE HOW MANY READERS WE HAVE NOW, JEEZ THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!! I AM SO THANKFUL FOR ALL OF YOU!! Be ready for today and please leave a comment, they make me happy

A Bumpy Road {a Mileven Fanfic With A Twist} (on Hold, Sorry Loves)Where stories live. Discover now