dream boys

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Will was in his house and it was hot. The hole hadn't been fixed and he needed to get out of this stupid heat.

He rang up the Harrington residence "yes, hello? Can I speak to troy, troy Harrington?" he asks. "Who's asking?" a teen voice asks "will byers." "oooh, the famous Will byers that troy is always talking about? Sure I'll get him" he says in a teasing voice and will sputtered words and he went quiet as he heard a voice "hello?will? What's up?" troy asks "o-oh, uhm, would it be alright if I came over to your house today?" Will nervously asks.  "Yeah, just be careful, and, bring your swim trunks, it's a perfect day to swim." troy says with a smile. "Alright, I'll be there in a bit, see you later" will says as she hangs up and goes to get swim trunks and a towel.

He rides over to troys house, a bag slinged over his shoulder filled with all of the things he needed.

Will soon arrived at troys house and pushed on the doorbell. He heard a series of thuds until the door whipped open. Shocked, he jumped back slightly and saw troy smiling and panting. "Hey will! Welcome to our home" he says out of breath. Will giggled at this "thanks for letting me come over troy, I really appreciate it." He smiles.

After troy and him get settled, troy came out of the restroom in just swim trunks "it's insanely hot out, you should go get changed in your swim trunks." Will nods and grabs his stuff and scrambles almost to the restroom. Troy snickers at the action and then waited for him on his bed, feeling the cool air against his torso.

Will soon came out in his trunks shyly. He had a towel wrapped around his torso and he sat down on a chair. Troy, in the other hand, was captured by wills cuteness. He absolutely adored Will but he didnt think he could adore him even more. Will had proved him wrong with that one.

"S-so, uhm, let's go, the water is waiting.."troy stutters and will takes this as an opportunity "troy Harrington stuttering? You're hearing it now folks!" Will jokes, a smile plastered onto his porcelain face as he laughs a bit. Troy blushed a bit and then laughed along with him "haha, c'mon you" he says as he picks up will bridal style. Troy was in the school football team and he had been lifting weights in gym. Will blushed and sputtered out words but he couldn't seem to find any to form a sentence with. Will covered his face with his hands and troy smirked as he carried his downstairs and to the pool.

He set will down in a chair and got out the sunblock. "We can't have your precious skin get damaged now, can we?" he teases and it only makes will blush more. "Here, I'll do it for you" troy offers and will quickly objects to save himself from the embarrassment. "N-no, I've got it, thanks" he stutters out. Troy only nodded as he put some onto himself. Will did the same and once they were ready, troy jumped off the diving board with a big splash. Will chuckled and shortly eased into the water after him. 

They splashed and swam and laughed and had fun together. Will loved this, he appreciated troy for bringing up the idea cause he hadn't had this much fun in a while.

After a while they got out of the pool and they were now just sitting outside, will in troys arms and resting his head on troys chest. Will had closed his eyes and troy had a hand in wills scalp, massaging it while he let his eyes rest.

They both fell asleep in each other's arms and about 10 minutes later troy woke up and quickly but gently carried will inside, afraid that He got burnt or east starting to. He set the delicate boy on his bed and checked for any sun burns. After he found none He sighed and went back to the pool to collect their stuff. He was carrying his stuff back up when Steve appeared suddenly, making troy almost lose his balance on the stairs "Jesus Christ Steve, what do you want?"he asks irritably. "Nothing, just checking in on you. How is your boyfriend?" he teased. He huffed "my BOYFRIEND is doing very well, thank you very much." he says back. "That's good, hey, you know what they say, they being me, fyi, if you're gonna be gay, you can't be afriad" he winks and troy shakes his head, chucking at his statement. "Thanks" he rolls his eyes as he punches Steve's arm lightly. "I'm serious bro!" he yells but troy shushed him as he walked into his room with the sleeping Will.

He placed their stuff on a chair to let dry and then laid down next to him, soon falling asleep with Will.

"Goodnight my love"

A Bumpy Road {a Mileven Fanfic With A Twist} (on Hold, Sorry Loves)Where stories live. Discover now