Oh no...

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I woke up in a dark, cold and damp place. I was petrafied. Although I didn't see any toxic flakes I could be somewhere else where no one knows how to get to, I could die here and no one would ever be able to find me. I start to tear up and soon I was crying. This was happening all over again and I am just sitting here. I am seriously considering just staying here and letting it get to m- wait. Is that what I think it is? Yes. Yes it was. Sunlight. I saw sunlight and I actually now have faith! But where am i? I take a closer look and I'm in a... swamp? Hawkins has some swamps I think, me and the guys saw a couple on our bike rides I think! I get up and look around for that thing that took me, coast is clear! I walk around and see a forest, That's a good sign!! I run into the forest and I keep running until I start to see road. MIRKWOOD!! I just follow mirkwood and this time I go to Mikes house. I see the lights on and I almost cry because I'm so happy that this isn't some alylternate dimension. I knock on the door repeatedly until someone answered. Mrs. Wheeler opened the door, "will? What are you doing here at this hour? You should really go home-" "can I use your phone?" I ask cutting mrs.wheeler off "sure, uh, come in" Mrs. Wheeler. I quickly got and dial mom's phone number in and call her. I wait until the the third ring when mom answers, thank god. "Yes?" "Hey mom it's me will, can you pick me up from the wheelers house please?" I ask. "Will? What are you doing there? And yes but I need an explanation when we get home." "Okay mom thank you so much bye" I say before the line ends. "She's coming, thank you so much for letting me use your phone" I say. "It's okay but why didn't you use your own ohobe?" "I just, I was taken but I managed to escape" I say. Mrs.wheeler gasps and asks if I was okay, I just nodded knowing well that I wasn't okay, and that I won't be okay. Once mom showed up I thanked mrs.wheeler and left to mom's car. I open the door to the car and we drive off. "Explanation please. " "Okay so I was having a really bad day and I went home, I was watching TV when I felt my throat get itch so I went to get water and I accidentally dropped the cup of water on the ground. I went to get napkins but when I came back there was this thing that had eight heads and it took me! When I woke up i was at a swamp and I got up ran towards a forest that just so happened to be mirkwood and I was going to go to our house but I remembered what happened last time and I didn't want that to happen again so I went to Mikes house" I rambled. Mom surprisingly looked understanding and she nodded. "Will, I'm so glad you are okay! I'm taking you with me to my job so I can keep a watch on you, I have night shift and still have to pay off all those Christmas lights" mom chuckles and so do I.

I can't believe how strong my little boy is, I need to tell Hopper. That thing can take my boy again and I wouldn't be able to be there with him to protect him. We reach my job and I get will all set up for the night, I gave him a blanket and a pillow behind the counter right where I am. He eventually falls asleep and I cover him up with the blanket and when my shift ends I take him home and I decide to have him sleep with me tonight for extra measures. Tomorrow is going to be eventful I can feel it.
The next morning I wake up and will is still asleep. It's best if I wake him up so I can make sure he is safe. I wake will up and tell him to get ready for school, he groans and tries to go bact to sleep but I pull my which and he hops right out of bed, works every time. I get ready for work and I see Jonathan cooking. Jonathan is a good kid, he cooks and has a part time job, he's also a great brother to will. I walk past the restroom door when I hear will whimpering, close to what I heard when he was having traumatic flashbacks as i call it. So I decide to open the door and sure enough there he was, crouched, holding his head and squeezing his eyes shut. I rush over to him and embrace him with my arms and whispers reassuring words to him then it seems that he snapped back into earth because he held onto me and sobbed into my work shirt. Once he stopped we got him all cleaned up and ready for school. We ate breakfast quickly and I dropped will off at school; something I rarely do.


A Bumpy Road {a Mileven Fanfic With A Twist} (on Hold, Sorry Loves)Where stories live. Discover now