The Date

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Mike explained to me that 'going out' was also called a 'date'. So I try to dress up for our date, I'm wearing a black dress with a white collar along with some black shoes. It's a bit different but I like it. I tried to ask mike where we were going for our date but he said it was a suprise. While he was getting dressed for our date I went downstairs and started messing with the walkie-talkie that Mike had. The static was ragged and unstable so I tune it to make it sound like it was stable. Mike walked downstairs and I put the walkie-talkie away. Once I saw him he looked absolutely amazibg! He was wearing a turquoise pollo shirt tucked into some black jeans. And his hair was staring the sane but I like the way it is, it's cute. "Pretty" I say still in awe about his attire. I saw his face go red, which mike explained to me that it was called 'blushing'. Then I blushed at my own words.

When I went downstairs I saw el, but she was just about the most prettiest girl I've ever seen in my entire lifetime. We both stared at eachother in awe when el broke the silence and said "pretty" that made me blush way to much and not long after she blushed also. "U-uh thanks, y-you look beautiful, el." I say still in awe. "What is 'beautiful'?" She asked. "It's when someone looks really really pretty, like you." I explain with a hard blush. "Uh, do you want to go now?" I ask. El nods her head in response. For our date I decided that we could do all the things I listed just in order. First we are going to go eat at a burger place, then we'll go get ice cream, then we'll wrap up the day with looking at the stars at night. It's going to be perfect. Once we get to the burger place I make sure i have enough money for el and I to eat and get ice cream. Once we enter I go to the cashier and ask if I could get two of their number 3's and two small drinks. (The Number three is just a regular burger. Y'know, cheese, mayo, lettuce, tomato, a patty, and toasted buttered buns) They gave us two small cups and I filled them with sprite. We found a table and settled down there. "So, this is going nice right?" "Mhm" El said nodding. She was smiling really big so I guess she really likes burgers. She looks so cute in her dress, I don't think any girl can compare to her beauty.

I really like burgers. I'm probably smiling really big right now because I have been waiting for this ever since the snow ball. And mike looks really really really nice, so that is a plus! I take a sip of my drink and keep looking into Mikes beautiful brown eyes. "Mike" "Y-yes El?" Mike stutters. "Thank you, mike." I say, I blush as i say it but I really mean it. Everything he's done for me is unbelievable. I love him very much and I plan on telling him that. Mike then says he's going to go get our food and for me to stay put so I do so. Not long after, mike returns with food in his arms and sets it down on the table. We start eating and the burger is almost as good as I remember it. We made small talk and then once we were done mike paid for the food and we left.

Once I paid for the food we started making our way over to the ice cream parlor. It's called Luanna's ice cream, it's probably my favorite ice cream place. Once we reach our destination I see el's eyes completely light up with excitement. I'm doing something right, I know it! "Are you ready to order you two?" The cashier asks us. "Uh, yeah. I'll have mint chocolate chip and she'll have..." i whisper " What do you want?" "I'll have strawberry" She whispered back "she'll have strawberry" I say. "alrighty, one mint and one strawberry coming right up! Also you two are the cutest things" She says, me and el both blush in an instant. The cashier gave us our ice cream and I say thank you. Me and el are eating our Ice cream when suddenly I feel a pair of lips on my cheek. I turn my head only to see el acting g as if she just didn't kiss me but she has this face telling me that she's trying to hold back a laugh. Oh no she didn't. I Kissed her cheek back and act like I did nothing wrong also just to see how she reacts. I see her blush really hard then I blush and we both just started laughing. It was the best thing ever. Once we finished our ice cream it was already nine so we started to head back home. "Mike, thank you, this was the best time ever. We should do this more often." El said. "Me too el. Hey, do you want to look at the stars? It's nice out." I asked "Sure!" SUCCESS! We went outside and sat on a blanket on the grass. "Hey mike?" El asked. "Ye-" before I could finish my sentence she placed her lips on mine and I immediately melted into the kiss. We didn't stop for a while until el pulled away gasping for air and so did I. That was the best kiss ever. "I love you mike" "I love you too el. U-um el?" "Yes mike?" I inhaled and gathered up all the courage I could muster up and asked "Will you please be my girlfriend?" "...." El remained silent for a second but then said. "Yes, mike. YES OF COURSE!!" OH MY GOD SHE SAID YES!!! I hugged El and kissed her. This was the best day of my life! "Thank you El" I said in a whisper.

I didn't really know what girlfriend means but when I said yes mike was extremely happy so I think it meant we are now something more than friends. I love mike with every fiber in my body and I hope he knows that. After a while we retreated inside and got changed. "Hey el? Do you want to sleep with me today?" "Sure mike" I said and we went up to Mikes room and got on his bed and slept together.

I love you guys. Here is a blessing from moi. Enjoy!!
Oh and the picture is what el basically looked like.

A Bumpy Road {a Mileven Fanfic With A Twist} (on Hold, Sorry Loves)Where stories live. Discover now