truth or dare?

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Third pov
Eleven was snuggling against mike in the basement fort when they hear a knock at the door.
Mike opened it and in came the boys with their comics, snacks, and action figurines.

"Yo dude!" Dustin says "hey mike!" Will greets "what's up?" lucas also says as they set their stuff on the table. "Hey guys, what's up?" Mike asks as el gets up from the fort, slightly pouty that they ruined her time with mike but she just shook Off the feeling and smiles at them.
She tells them about what's been going on and how her sister had recently passed away. A series of "I'm so sorrys" we're said by the group of boys. "Hey, let's play a game!" Will suggests. "Ya? What game?" mike asks. "Truth or dare. Let me explain it to you" will says pointedly to el. "The person asks you truth or dare, you pick one, if you choose dare, you have to do whatever the person says, if you pick truth, you have to answer a question truthfully. Get it? Got it? Good." will explains as they gather into a circle. "Alright who is going first?" Dustin asks. "I'll go first"lucas says as the boys nod. "Alright will, truth or dare?" "truth" "how did you use the restroom in the upside down?" "uhmm... I never had the urge?" "mmmm alright.." they say as they move to the next victim. "Umm...mike, truth or dare?" "dare" "I dare you to go outside and tell 'victory screech' and make a loud, weird noise." will challenges. "Fine"

Mike says as he goes outside. "VICTORY SCREECH!!! AAAAALALALALALALLA!!!" he yells.
The boys burst in laughter and so does el as she has just witnessed her boyfriend do the most weirdest thing she's ever seen or heard.

Mike came back in and calmed down the roudy boys from their hyena-like laughs.

"El, truth or dare?" "umm, truth?" "Alright, is it true that you love eggos more than me?" "mike... Yeah it's true." she jokes "AH MY HEART!" Mike says, pretending to be heartbroken. "I'm just kidding! Obviously who is are my love but you are my true love." she explains as she kisses his cheek. "I knkw, I was just kidding with you" Mike laughs as they all burst out laughing.

"Alright um... Dustin! Truth or dare?" "truth" " alright, have you ever tried to wonder how many nilla wafers you could fit in your moith?" "sadly yes..." he answers shamefully. By then everyone was laughing and so was Dustin. "How many AHAHA did you fit?!" she asks between laughs. "About 17!" he says as he laughs more and everyone's side's were hurting from how hard they were laughing.

After their high of laughter they are, by then, hurting, teary eyed from laughing so hard, and now calming down. "Alright, um, Lucas! truth or dare?" "dare" "I dare you to... Try and did as many marshmallows as you can in your mouth!" Dustin yells.

Long story short, Lucas ended up hating marshmallows forever and was say out of the game. "I can't believe you did that, especially on the kitchen floor! Gross." Mike grimaces. "It's not my fault I hate marshmallows." lucas grumbles.

"Alright, lucas's gag reflexes behind, who's turn is it?" will asks "it's mine but I'm getting bored." lucas says. "Well, we could actually play some dungeons and dragons?" Mike suggests "great idea!" they say as they start setting up. "Mike" el says, tugging Mike's sleeve. "Yeah el?" she then kisses his lips passionately, short, and sweet. "I love you" she reminds. "I love you too el" he smiles before going back to set up the campaign.

The boys are nearing the end of the campaign when Nancy comes home to find marshmallows on the kitchen ground, eggo boxes scattered, and the boys being roudy. "MIKE!!" she yells in anger. They all immediately stop what they are doing and Mike goes upsatirs, frightened of what the mightly Nancy might do or say.

"Mike, clean all of this up before mom comes home and send all of your little buddies home before i get mad at them too." She says. Mike only nods and goes downstairs to find the boys packing up their stuff and going out the basement door saying a series of "Bye's!" and "c'ya!" as they left. El was cleaning up also and she helped with the mess upstairs also. Once they were done they heard nothing else from Nancy and they quickly headed to his room. Mike closed the door behind him "are you okay?" he asks. "Yeah, are you?" she asks back. "I'm alright." they hang out for a while, it's already dark out so they were a bit tired. "Can I sleep with you tonight?" she asks, getting a nod back from Mike. "Of course." he responds as he makes room for her on his bed. "Are you okay? Even after what I opened with your sister?"he asks gently. She nods and starts tearing up against his chest. "She... Shes the only family.. I knew... And now she' she's gone!" she sobs into his chest. "Shhh shhh, it's okay, she's in a better place now and Brenner is dying in hell" he explains as she nods, still crying.

After a bit she stops crying and she looks up at Mike "thanks mike, I really appreciate it" she smiles weakly. "Shh, it's ok, no problem el, I'm here whenever, wherever. Okay?"



And with that, they fell asleep, cuddling eachother, knowing that they are both safe and sound.

I finally updated!! Sorry for the wait, I might be able to post more frequently now so that's new and umm... There's nothing else I have to say besides thank you for all of your beautiful comments and I can't thank you enough for 19.1k reads, honestly, I don't know how the fuck I got so popular but thank you so much and I love you all! Bye I love you all and be paitient with the updates plsss!! Thank you!!!

A Bumpy Road {a Mileven Fanfic With A Twist} (on Hold, Sorry Loves)Where stories live. Discover now