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Third person

Mike was worrying about Will. Ever since yesterday when Will left he was concerned. He realized he didn't exactly run after Will or anything when he left and he knew Will was in pain but he just didn't know why... Mike also didn't know why He started making out with el after Will left. It confused him and Mike didn't like the fact that el made him do that. He walked up to el and smiled but that smile soon faltered because he had to scold her. "Hey el, uhm, I didn't like that you forced me to kiss you wasn't controlled you know?" he said, trying to be reasonable. El looked at him and nodded "I'm sorry Mike... Won't happen again.." she apologized and he accepted her apology.

Mike went looking for Will shortly after that. He wanted to make things right. He was genuinely worried and tried to look on mirkwood but he wasn't there.

He looked in castle Byers and no sign of him was to be found. "Damnit will, I'm sorry"he said under his breath as he ran to Will house.

He rapidly knocked on the door and Jonathan answered but mike just ran into the house, trying to look for Will. He got to wills room and knocked on the door lightly "Will..?" he asks lightly. Will runs up to the door and opens it up just a little"what do you want Mike?" he asks, irritably. "I wanted to apologize for earlier" he says, solemnly. Will looked into mikes eyes with a pained expression. "Mike, I think I might like you as more than a friend...but I also like someone else.." he confessed. Mike's eyes widened. "Im, I'm so sorry Will... But me and know.." "yeah, I know and that's why I didn't say anything..and when I came down to see if you were ready I saw you and el... you know.. And that made me really upset." he said, shyly "don't worry will, I'm sorry that we upset you. Can things go back to normal please? I'll pay more attention to you, promise" Mike asked, hoping for the best. Will smiled and nodded "definitely!" he beamed. Will was happy and excited to be focused on more. Especially by Mike. He still liked troy though, maybe A little more. It was a conflicting feeling for him.

The two boys talked and geeked out about star wars and food. There was a knock at the door and will got up to answer it.

It was troy.

Wills eyes widened and he smiled foolishly. Then realizing that Mike was there and troy knew what had happened, Will wasn't too sure about Mike meeting Troy right now. Especially now. Troy saw Mike and Will could see the anger build up in him. "Troy, I can explain, dont do anything irrational, please"he whispered in trots ear, which didn't stop troy from grabbing Mike's collar of his shirt and holding him up by it. "What are you doing here, frog face?" he glared. Mike looked at Will and back to troy, "I was patching things up with will " he stated simply. "I-its true! Dont hurt him please!" Will pleaded. Troy contemplated for a bit but then decided to let Mike go and scoot over to will. He held wills hands and kisses his forehead "im sorry for that.." he whispered. "Its ok, don't worry" will smiled as he looked into troys dark chocolate orbs. Troy looked back at mike and draped an arm around will. "Well, I just came over to check in on will. Also wanted to spend time with him but I guess since that he's here I can't do that." troy grumbled. Will blushed lightly and looked at mike. "So, Uhm me and troy are friends, Mike. Don't ask how or since when, I'll explain later. He's a nice guy on the inside, believe me. But you just have to be friendly. And he needs to be friendly too. Right?" he looks to troy, raising his brows.

Troy agrees, reluctantly.

Will, satisfied, smiled and hugged them both. "Thank you both, I really appreciate you guys" will smiles.

Soon, Mike left, leaving just Troy and Will. After he left troy immediately hugged Will and kissed his cheek and the corner of his lips. "I'm glad that Mike left, now I can love you, without company." Troy whispered in wills ear. Will hummed and kissed troys lips gently "i love you troy Harrington" will said, not too loudly So that his mom or Jonathan wouldn't hear. Troys heart raced and so did wills. They hugged and cuddled while talking about random things. They liked this. They liked being together alone. Will could get used to this, and troy knew this was what he wanted.

Haha I'm a terrible author to you guys !!

A Bumpy Road {a Mileven Fanfic With A Twist} (on Hold, Sorry Loves)Where stories live. Discover now