I'm tired

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It was morning and I still felt extremely tired. I felt mike attempt to wake me up but I didnt. What I did wake up to was dustin shaking me awake, startling me. "Wha-" "Come on, el! We're going to be late!" Dustin said while mike and the others were in the basement. I got up quickly and grabbed some clothes that nancy bought me and went to get dressed. Once I was done I got out of the restroom and was hurrying to put my shoes on while the guys were just staring at me. I looked at them and then they all started to get their backpacks. What were they looking at? No time to worry about that, we need to go.

We all left and went straight to the school. Luckily, we got to class on time but the boys were still staring at me. 'What's wrong with them' I think.  "Hey guys, what's wrong? You guys have been staring at me all morning." I ask. "It's nothing, we've just never seen you in such a hurry." Mike said. "Oh" I said. Once the dismissal bell rang, we got up and left to lunch.

Just when we were about to get to the lunch doors, troy pushed me and mike against the wall. "Oof" We both said. "Well well would you look what we got here." Troy said while James snickered behind him. I looked at troy and concentrated on his brain about to squish it when mike grabbed my hand. He then gave me a smile and kept holding onto my hand. I looked to troy, smiled then slapped him. Hard. And I left still holding Mikes hand. When we got to lunch mike cupped my face and kissed me in front of the guys. My face started heat up but I kissed back. Mike pulled away and said "Thank you". "My pleasure, he needed that anyways" I said looking back at the doors. When we all finished eating we went to our next class.


It was the end of the day and we were all heading home. The guys came with mike and I home to play D&D; we're going to finish the campaign. We all got home and got settled down. Lucas and mike were setting up the game leaving me, will, and dustin. Dustin started talking about where and when they left off on the campaign and will soon started talking about it too. "We got it set up guys!" Lucas yells. "Yesss" Dustin says as he makes his way over to his seat, so does will. I walk over to my bed and lay down, listeningto mike and the guys yelling and making sound effects to add suspense. "Do you hear that? That that roar, no, no that wasn't the troglodytes, no that was something else..... THE THESSALHYDRA!!! Mike yells. As soon as I heard that word I look over to will and he tenses up when he heard that name. "WILL YOUR ACTION" mike said. "I don't know..." Will said. "Mike, I think you should NOT bring up the thessalhydra" Lucas said. "Oh, sorry will" mike apologized. "It's okay, just try not to bring up the topic" will says. I walk over to will and place my hand over his, "It's okay, it can't hurt you." I assure will. He gives me a faint smile and mike notices this. "Hey el, come over here for a minute." Mike says with a tone that I can't really describe... I wonder. "Okay mike" I say leaving will. "Hmm?" I ask. "You know what, I just forgot but you can stay here if you would like" mike says in a matter of fact tone. "I think I'll go lay down you guys continue" I say. "Okay, c'mon guys " I've says then they all continue to play D&D but I keep noticing will and mike looking back at me. Why were they checking on me? I don't know, I guess I'll ask later.

The campaign ended soon after it became 8. Dustin and Lucas left leaving me, mike, and will. Again. "So, uh mike, will. What's the deal between you two?" I ask. "Uhh" they both say in unison. "I got to go home, mom's here." Will says as he gets up, grabs his backpack and heads for the door "see ya!" Will yells then he leaves through the door, leaving me and mike alone.  "" I'm tired mike. I think I'm going to head to bed, night" I say as i set up my bed then I lay down and I was out. But somehow, I could feel mike kiss my cheek, and wish me a good night.

I'm a horrible person! I'm so sorry for not updating in THREE DAYS  that's a long time for me and I'm super sorry, so here's a chapter and did I mention that I'm sorry?

A Bumpy Road {a Mileven Fanfic With A Twist} (on Hold, Sorry Loves)Where stories live. Discover now