The dream

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Third person
The guys and el arrived at the school and went to class. Suprisingly, troy and James didn't show up to torment them
But some girl with dirty blonde hair did. To mike specifically. "So, mike, got any girlfriends lately? No? Good, 'cause you just found yourself one here babe" She said in a very high pitched gross tone.


"ACTUALLY, he's MY boyfriend so of you would kindly STEP OFF that would be very much appreciated." I say as I use my powers to make her stumble back a bit until her seemingly new white shoes get drenched in a muddy puddle behind her. Heheheh. She makes this high pitched whine and that just makes me want to throw her across the pavilion. I was about to when I feel Mikes hand grab mine and I calm down a bit. "Sorry, but I actually have a girlfriend and I love her very much." I hear dustin and lucas make kissing noises and saying stuff like 'ooooh' and 'aaaahhhh'. It was embarrassing. The girl was still standing there with a determined look on her face. This girl never quits. "I'll win you over, just watch" the girl states. This girls nerve. That's when I snap, I throw her across the pavilion and make sure she's hurt but is still alive. Mike looks shocked but then grabs my hand and makes a run for it. We reach class and quickly sit down and act like nothing happened. During class mike passed me a not that read 'meet me in the back of the school'. I looked to mike and saw him smirk then return his gaze to Mr.Clarke. class ended and It was already after school. I looked at the note mike had gave me and went towards the back of the school. I saw mike and as soon as he saw me, he walked over to me briskly, grabbed my waist and kissed me passionately on the lips. After a few seconds we pulled off of eachother. "El, what you did for me today was absolutely amazing, thank you." Mike said with a caring gaze. N-no problem." I stutter. We ride home and go straight to the basement. Tonight there will be another campaign and I'll get to relax.

Soon everyone gets here and dustin brought snacks which I gladly take the apple. They start the campaign and already, everyone is shouting and yelling. I somehow manage to fall asleep and get consumed in my dream.

El's dream

I was walking along the side walk and I see this... man. I soon come to realize it was papa but my body wouldn't do what I was telling it to. I start to panic as I kept getting closer to him. Them he started to... shift? Into something, I couldn't tell until It was fully evolved into the... DEMOGORGON?! I started to scream but I couldn't stop myself from going towards it. Once I was right in its reach, it tried to attack me but as soon as I made contactwith it, it poofed away.


The guys were still playing when the light bulb shattered. They also flinched and slowly looked towards el and saw that her face was tense and she had tears streaming down her eyes. Blood was coming out of her nose and was staining the blankets. Mike rushed out of his seat and ran towards el and woke her up gently. Once she was woke she started to sob quietly into Mikes shoulder. "El, it's okay, it was just a dream, nothing more, it's okay I got you" mike shushed her and embraced her with a warm hug. She calmed down after a bit then the light bulb turned back on.

"Mike, the demogorgon. It's back."


A Bumpy Road {a Mileven Fanfic With A Twist} (on Hold, Sorry Loves)Where stories live. Discover now