loving you pt.2/ naps

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Mike put his fingers on the bark the tree and stepped forwards, only to reveal a bleeding will."will! What happened? Are you ok? Let me help you" he says, in a worried tone. Will grunted as Mike picked him up and carried him to his own bike.

He placed will on the seat behind his and made sure will wasn't hurt anywhere else but still asked anyways. "Will, does anywhere else hurt besides your knee?" "..my elbow hurts a little" Mike crowned a bit "a little, orrrr maybe more?" Will hesitated for a bit then answered "...it really hurts." Mike sighed and smiled "there, that wasn't so hard to say,now was it?" he gets on his bike and looks at wills bike "I'll come back for that later" He smiles and starts pedalling home.

When they got to mikes house Mike carried Will to the couch in the basement and went to Go get bandages, Neosporin, and food.

Eleven came down and smiled when she saw Will and ran up to him and hugged him gently, judging on his current situation.

"Will, are you ok?" she asks as she looks at wills injuries. "I just scraped a few things, nothing to worry about" Will smiled. El nodded and looked to Mike with seriousness "fix him" she demanded. "Ok,ok I will, jeez" he said with a chuckle, making them all chuckle.

After will was all patched up he fell tired and let himself rest.

Mike and El were sitting down under the tent and were just talking, "mike, can I tell you something?" el asks quietly. Mike nods "of course, what is it?" he asks. El smiles, "I love you" "I love you too" he smiles back. They both lean in, eyes closed, and kissed each other tenderly. They pulled away and eleven hugged him tightly, mike returning the favor. They both fall asleep in The tent, snuggled up closely with each other on the rather cold afternoon.

Will woke up and yawned. He looked at el and Mike in the tent and smiled "they make a cute couple" he whispers.

Will gets up and do winced a bit but pulls through. He wrote a note for them and walked back home. "I'm gonna have to get my bike..." he says. "Maybe later" he side smiles as he walks home. Returning safely as he was greeted by Joyce.

Mike's pov.

I woke up next to a sleeping el, she looks so peaceful. I get up and silently leave the tent. I wonder if will is ok? I hope he returned to his home safely.

I walk up the stairs, it's about 2 pm right now. Moms at work. Today is an off day for school so I'm pretty sure everyone is sleeping in. I walk in the kitchen to see Nancy with Steve. Ugh. I hate steve, he's just an all around asshole but whatever. If she's happy then I guess it doesn't matter.

They are making pancakes. Some burnt, some not. I'm guessing the burnt ones are Steve's. "Hey mike" she says in a flat tone. "Wow you're sooo nice to me." I say sarcastically. "If you're gonna have that tone with me then you can make your own breakfast." she grumbles."I might just do that" I shoot. She rolls her eyes and goes back to cooking the pancakes as Steve just stays away from our bicker.

I walk back down to the basement and see el coming out of the restroom in New clothes. She was wearing a burgundy colored polo shirt tucked into a pair of my jeans. "Hey el, how was your nap?" "good" she smiles and fixes her hair up. El yawns and walks to the couch, sitting on it and humming a tune. "Where did you hear that?" I ask "the radio" she points at the radio in The room and I nod.

Third person and later into the day around like, 4.

Mike and el were playing a game of tic tac toe and currently, el was winning. "WHAT?! I used to be so good at this game." he mourns. "It's ok Mike" she smiles "I know, you're so good at this, how?" she shrugs her shoulders. He sighs and smiles. They both lay down on the couch and she snuggles up in his chest. "Are you tired?" he asks, she nods slowly and falls asleep on his chest while he massages her scalp. He soon falls asleep too and they cuddle for the rest of the night.

I call this a lame excuse for a chapter but I'm so sorry for the late update

A Bumpy Road {a Mileven Fanfic With A Twist} (on Hold, Sorry Loves)Where stories live. Discover now