will's crush pt 2

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Third person pov
In the morning, el woke up and saw that Mike was holding will instead of her. She frowned and hugged him from behind and nuzzled her nose between his shoulder blades.

Will stirred under Mike's warm body, never wanting to leave his embrace. He woke up to see a peacfully sleeping Mike holding him and el hugging him from behind. He smiled and also nuzzled Mike's chest.

Mike gently let his eyes flutter open and to his suorise, he found will and el hugging onto him tightly. He smiled a nervous smile and squirmed a bit.

"El? Will?" he whispered

They stirred awake and will looked up at him and blushed at the sudden realization that Mike is now awake and Will is faceplanting into his chest, he gently but quickly scooted away and got out of the futon, now pretending to stretch with a blush covering his face. El nuzzled into him more and Mike turned over and hugged her, kissing her on the cheek "morning el, how did you sleep?" he whispers to her, she smiles "good" she replies as she rubs her eyes and slides out of the futon. Will looks at Mike and smiles, he knew he liked him but he also liked someone else '...maybe the feelings will go away..?' He didn't know, he thought as he shook his head and looks at mike. He knew that he had definite feelings for Mike bit couldn't muster up the courage to acknowlage them. He went to go get dressed while Mike went upstairs and got dressed himself. El didn't need to get dressed because she's a savage and eggos are the only boss of her.

Will got done dressing and Mike was still getting dressed. 'jeez how long does it take to get dressed?' he thought as he entered the basement and saw Mike and el sucking face. His heart actually shattered. He choked on his own breath and His eyes began to fill with tears. Quickly, he gathered his things and didnt look at Mike or el at all. He left with Mike and el being left confused but let it slide. Mike was still going to confront him about it later but not now. El began to kiss Mike again and soon they were back to sucking face.

Will was walking back to his house, sobbing and continuously wiping his eyes until he heard the devils themselves. He heard troy and James laughing and making jokes. He didn't bother to run and just accepted his fate.

"Yo loser, crying again like the fag you are?" he snickers. I didn't have the energy to answer him back. "James, I think I can handle this one on my own. You go ahead." he says as James nods and walks away.

Will looks at troy with a glare. Troys jock expression falters into a more worried expression which surprised Will. "What happened. And you better tell me the truth." troy says sternly.

This took Will by surprise and he looked at troy with a face of anger and confusion. He then snapped.
"WHY DO YOU SUDDENLY WANT TO KNOW WHAT'S WRONG?! TROY YOU'VE BEEN HURTING ME FOR SO LONG AND NOW YOU SUDDENLY DECIDE TO FUCK WITH MY FEELINGS WELL I GOT NEWS FOR YOU, I FRANKLY THINK YOU GENUINELY DON'T CARE LIKE ALL THE OTHER TIMES!! AND YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT'S WRONG?! I SAW THE PERSON I THOUGHT I LOVED SUCKING FACE WITH THEIR GIRLFRIEND AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY I HAD FEELING FOR HIM BUT IT HAPPENED AND NOW I'M FUCKING PRETTY SURE MY HEART IS DEAD SO JUST FUCK OF-" he didn't get to finish his sentence before being engulfed in a hug by troy, will still a sobbing mess. Troy hugged him tightly and refused to let go. "Wh- what are you doing troy?!" he whispers. "Will, you have no idea how long I've liked you for. I only teased you and bullied you because I didn't like the idea of being queer. I always thought that it was wrong and I would be disgraced for it and I probably would be..." troy confesses while hugging him. "...troy... That still doesn't mAke up for all the bad things you did to me, my friends.... Why?" will asked "I'm so sorry will,in sorry I put you through this... My dad was a big influence on me. He made me believe that you guys were the type of people that didn't matter so I bullied you. I followed my dad's foot steps and look where I am now. I fucked up and I'm sorry.. I know a simple sorry won't help but I just thought-" troy was cut off by wills soft lips gently pushing against troys lips. Troy turned crimson but kissed back gently. They pull apart and will smiles through his tear stained cheeks. He slaps troy on the face "that was for the pain" he says then kisses his cheek "and that was for the forgiveness.." troy smiled and got up off the ground that they didn't know they were in until Will started to get uncomfortable. He held out a hand and will took it greatfully. "Thank you troy" will smiled " no problem will" troy smiles. He couldn't help but smile at wills cute face. Troy wiped wills tear stained cheeks and will kissed him again. "Wanna go to a secret hideout I have?" will asks and troy accepts happily. They walk to castle Byers and go inside. The two boys talked for hours in there and they eventually went home, both now happy.

Sorry for the slow updates

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