death of a sister

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I woke up and went over to my sister. She was cold and her body wasn't making any movement. I started to panic 'what happened? Why isn't she moving? Wake up, wake up!' I started to shake her until I finally got the message. I started to cry and I ran up to Mikes room to wake him up "mike, mike!" After a bit he woke up and I told him everything. "Oh el, I'm so sorry. Come here, lay down with me" mike says. He's always comforting me, I love him so much. I get into his bed and I lay beside him, loving his presence. "So you want ethos later?" he knows the answer to that question I font know why he would ask, but I nodded anyways.

We make our way over to the kitchen, every once in a while Mike comes over to comfort me while the eggos cook. "Hey it's alright, she's in a better place now." I haven't even realized that I was crying until he comforted me. I wiped my tears away and hugged him "thanks mike, you're the best person I've ever met" i had to admit, losing my sister that I didn't even know very well was really hard. 1 because I wanted to get to know my sister better and 2 because it would have been great to have someone to know that you aren't alone. But I have mike, I shouldn't think like that! I have to appreciate what I love, and that's Mike.

Once the eggos are out of toaster mike serves me and he gives his eggos up to me. My bab. "El, what do you love more? Eggos or me?" he asks. Did he just ask that? "Mike, you aren't a thing, of course I love you more Than eggos!". He smiles and hugs me "thanks el" "Mike was that a serious question?"

Oh my God I love her even more now. "No, I was just playing" I say as I ruffled up her hair. She laughs. God I love that laugh. I kiss her cheek and she whips her head to me, blushing. "Aww, you're adorable!" I pinch her cheeks and. Her nose crinckles up "aaoooww!" I let go and she rubs Her cheeks. She ruffled my hair and it floofs up. "Aww man!" I say as I try to fix my hair. But when I look at el she looks a bit amazed at it.

3rd person
El looked at Mike's hair in utter amazement. She never thought it could get that fluffy but she was just proved wrong. Mike tried to de-fluff it but that didn't work at all. "Stupid hair" Mike mumbles. "I like it" el says, touching it more. Mike feels heat rising to his cheeks as she says this.

"O-ok" Mike stammers out. El just giggles at his adorableness and recoils her hand from his hair and smiles sheepishly at him. Mike couldn't help but hug her lovingly while smiling. Her smile was a reason for him to smile. "You're cute" Mike sighs "so are you" el smiles.

El recovered from her sisters 'death' and is now watching a movie with Mike in the living room. "This is nice, isn't it?" Mike asks, planting a kiss on her cheek.el nods and blushes. She doesnt know why, but whenever Mike kisses her, she feels like he just warmed up her entire body. She was comfortable and so was he. In a matter of minutes, they were both asleep on the couch, laying on one another while holding each other also.

I'm a terrible author. And you already I know how fucking sorry I am so I'm guessing I don't bed to say it 20 times. Love you all!

A Bumpy Road {a Mileven Fanfic With A Twist} (on Hold, Sorry Loves)Where stories live. Discover now