it's not like that!!!

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The next day dustin kept saying " I can't believe you two love birds, doing that in plain daylight for everyone to see! That.... takes guts congratulations mike you probably just got the coolest girl on earth to be your GIRLFRIEND" "thanks? And she's not my girlfriend, we're just really good friends is all." I say while el nods her head. Is it me or do I see a faint blush on her cheeks? Definitely NOT me, she is blushing and by now, just seeing her blush makes me blush but I try to fight it and thankfully I win. After some bickering will cuts on and says that it's about time to play dungeons and dragons, so that's what we do.
Mike, dustin, lucas and will decided that they would play dungeons and dragons. While they were playing I got bored, fast, and didn't know what I could do to relieve this boredom so I decided that I would go upstairs since that usually does the trick. As i get up mike turns my way and looks at me, I tell him "upstairs" and he says ok. As I'm walking up the stairs I see Mikes room and decide to walk in. I see the dark blue painted walls and all of the trophies that he has from the 'science fair'. I look towards his bed and I almost forgot how comfortable it was, so I walk towards it and climb on top of it. Still as comfy as when I remembered it was. I decided to stay there for a while until I fell asleep due to its comfortable feeling.
Time skip
I wake up and find myself still in Mikes room. I feel what felt like a body and turn to see who it is, only to be face to face with mike. He looks so peaceful while sleeping. Maybe I should go back to sleep. So I lay down under the covers and just stare at Mikes beautiful face until I see his eyes flutter open only to be met with my eyes. After what seemed like hours of staring he sleepily lays his arm around me and attempts to pull me closer to him. I scoot closer to him and we just snuggled occasionally laying kisses on each other's face/forehead/head and we eventually fell drowsy and slept together.
The following morning
Ohmygod Ohmygod Ohmygod me and El slept together and cuddled last night it was so amazing! And el is so cute when she is drowsy! God, I forgot it was a school day. I try to change into clothes while el is still sleeping but she wakes up just when I took my pajama shirt off. We stared at eachother for a minute before we both started blushing like crazy and freaking out. I managed to get my school shirt on and my shoes. When I walk out of the room with el that was about the same time nancy went out her room! I told her that it's not what it looks like and run off downstairs while nancy was hollering at me but I ignore her and go down into the basement where el keeps all of her clothes. "I'm going up to get breakfast you can breakfast too if you want but I'll still snatched an eggo or two for you." I say and she nods her head. I go upstairs to get breakfast and I eventually snatch eggos for el.
Time skip
We got to the school on my bike and once we got there I saw the guys. "Hey guys what's up?" I ask.
"Oh nothing just a cute couple holding hands" says dustin and I notice that me and El were holding hands. I got flustered and so did el. "We should get to class before were late" recommends will and we quickly get to class before we miss our favorite subject; science.

mikestrangerthings casually drops this off.

A Bumpy Road {a Mileven Fanfic With A Twist} (on Hold, Sorry Loves)Where stories live. Discover now