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Ambers POV

When you think about popular people, what's the first thing that comes to mind? Snooty kids disrespecting teachers? Girls with long ass nails and pretty curls cascading down their backs? Guys who are football or basketball jocks with failing grades and ray bans? Yeah, I know.

Popular kids, we're not supposed to care. About anything. Just get maximum likes on social media.

I'm not being stereotypical, but then again, i guess i am.

*Science class*

I let out a sigh of relief after my science teacher puts down my science test.
I run the pads of my fingers over the two numbers. They don't mean much to many, but good grades are my latibule.

I don't really slack off or talk to anybody during class, that's a challenge sometimes since my friends throw paper balls at me to get my attention. I think the weirdest thing about me is that I speak my mind, but at the same time, I despise being social.

*Lunch time*

I walk in the halls but stop in my tracks when I see a couple jocks grouped together. 
I take a peak and see them pushing a guy around to each other as if he were a ball.

Honestly, it gets on my nerves.

"Don't you guys have something better to do?" I ask raising my voice so they ALL could hear.
They turn their heads to me, and stare at the guy in the middle.
They walk away shortly after pushing the guy down.

I glance at him and notice its Grayson Dolan.
Okay honestly, he's cute......But I cant be with him....Maybe friends...but i'd be murdered if we were together. Literally.
The one thing you wanna avoid in this highschool is getting picked on.

I make sure no ones looking, and mouth "are you okay?"
He doesn't really answer. Just picks his books up, holds them to his chest, and walks away. Not even acknowledging my existence.

*After school*

I put my books in my jansport bag about to leave school.
My friends wave me bye and I go to my favorite spot on school grounds.
Its basically deep into the trees..Kinda like a forest. That's what everyone calls it. "Haunted?"

During school hours, students are forbidden to go in there... but no one said anything about not getting in there after school.

Its a nice place where the sun shines down creating a beautiful shadow of trees. Near the middle of the area, there's a circle of rocks below a beautiful skylight.
Literally, no one ever comes here. Thats what I love about it.
I come here as much as possible to read my books or do my work in peace and quiet.

As I approach my spot, I hear a groan.
A groan of pain. It sounds like a guy....

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