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Grayson's POV

I breathe heavily, mumbling to myself. It wasn't until I felt sometime wet touch my arm that I realized I was crying.

She's been in surgery for 4 hours now.

Alison wipes her tears on a waiting room chair a couple meters away. Brooklyn's parents sit quietly, sobbing to themselves.

Sadness is reeking from every corner.

A thin lady in a blue surgical scrubs walks up to us. She seems to be walking towards us.

I quickly get up in my feet, wiping my cheeks with the back of my hand. Alison and Brooke's parents seem to do the same.

"Family of Brooklyn Barnes?" She asks.

"Y-Yes!" I quickly reply, feeling my hands shake.

"Is she okay? Did you get the tumour out?" Her parents ask behind me. Her mother has red cheeks that are stained with tears but she looks strong.

"We got the whole tumour out...." The nurse says in a strong tone.

I feel a huge weight lift off of my shoulder and relax. "S-She's o-okay?" I ask, feeling happy tears escape my eyes.

Brooklyn's mother lets out a relived sigh, dropping to her feet. A stranded son escapes her lips and I race to her as well at Brooke's father, trying to calm her down.

Alison, sniffles, shaking the nurses hand. "T-Thank you s-so much." She stutters great fully.

The surgeon smiles. "She's still in recovery and might have to use a cannula for some time, but she should be okay. You can visit her now, but 2 at a time please."

I nod, looking back at everyone else.

Alison sits down harshly, rubbing her temples. "She's okay..... Oh thank god." She breathes, mumbling what I assume to be a prayer.

Brooke's father scrambles off of his feet with her mother in his arms. "Cmon sweetie.... What did I tell you? She's a fighter. Just like her mother." Brooke's father says quietly to her mother, crying himself.

We all rush to Brooke's room.

Then I see her, through her closed doors window.

Oh my gosh, she looks so fragile.

Wires are attached to every part of her body. IV bags are hung up beside her and a steady heart monitor beeps to her left.

Her eyes are closed, but her chest heaves up and down slowly.

Her parents walk in, starting to talk to her.

She doesn't respond. Her eyes stay closed and her mouth doesn't move either.

I feel my heart drop again and I get an uneasy feeling. She's okay. I know she's okay. But she's just so.... still.

"Hey..." Alison whispers behind me. "Relax. She's okay."

"I know..." I mumble, pulling my fingers. "I just..... Wow...."

Alison softly chuckles. "Hey.... Make sure you don't treat her differently. It's why she didn't wanna tell us."

I nod, turning back to Brooke.

It feels like I'm miles away from her. It feels like I haven't seen her smile in months.

After what seems like a goddamn long time, her parents walk out, giving me a thankful look. I nod, nodding my head towards the door for Alison. I wanted to see her. I did. I just didn't want to cry infront of her. I need to be strong. Fro Brooklyn.

Alison walks in next. When she comes out, she's in tears. Her nose is bright red. "All yours Gray...."

I walk inside hesitantly, breathing as quietly as I could.

There she was. Lying in front of me. The machines seemed to sound louder.

I sit down in a seat beside her. My hand raises up to hold hers but I can't seem to move it. I'm scared to hurt her. I'm scared to move and suddenly break her.

I take a deep breath, interlocking my fingers with hers that are hooked up to LvAd wires.

"You scared me, princess..." I chuckle weakly.

No answer. No moment. No smile.

"Gosh, if you do that again, I promise you, I'll never talk to you again."


I hold back the tears threatening to fall out. I've never wanted to hear her giggle and call me an idiot this badly. I just wanted to hear her. Just wanted to see her open her beautiful eyes.

"I know you're probably asleep, dreaming of.... Spongebob...." I chuckle, thinking back to our 3 hour marathon of sponge bob episodes on Netflix. It would've lasted longer, she just had to go home.

I laugh to myself, blinking my tears away. "You shut me out just to hear the stupid sponge...." I say, remembering our marathon. I was talking about a date. She barely heard me, she was busy watching. When I asked her a question, she let out a "Huh?" and directed her attention back to the television.

"But I love you. A lot. Even if you secretly like spongebob more." I say, bribing her knuckles to my lips.

She doesn't answer.

And I lose it. Tears prickle my eyes and fall down my cheeks rapidly. I feel the sudden urge to yell.

I wanted to punch a wall.

Cries escape my lips as I bury my head by her hand.

"W-Why're you crying, you big b-baby?" A quiet voice croaks.

I look up hesitantly and feel Brooke's hand squeeze mine.

She's awake. I let out a surprised laugh, bringing her weak hand to my lips, kissing it over and over.

I hear footsteps behind me. Everyone else crowds the bed.

"Baby!" I breathe, smiling from ear to ear. "You're Okay!" I exclaim more so to me than to her.

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