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Brookes POV

"Close your eyes..." The wide eyed boy infront of me tells me, looking too excited to contain it.

Hesitantly, I close my eyes. I'm guessing to make sure I don't see anything, Grayson decides to put a hand over my eyes. I'm sure it's nothing to him but to me, my skin burns. In a good way. His hands were warm and smelled like eucalyptus.

Finally, we seem to stop. "O-Okay.... Open your eyes..." He whispers, dropping his hands from my face to my shoulders. My ShOulDeRZ

"Oh my gosh..." Is the first thing that seems to escape my lips.

Its beautiful. A beautiful garden with flowers of all sorts scattered around the healthy green grass. Robins and Chickadees lay on branches, chirping beautifully to themselves. I can't help but notice the sun shining over the trees and onto a circle of smooth rocks. The spot is peaceful and I already am in love with it.

"You like it?" Grayson asks behind me. Even though I can't see his face, I can tell he's smiling.

I try to respond but I end up quacking instead.

Grayson chuckles. "I come down here to work. It just gets kinda lonely all alone... So now, I have a partner."

"Oh?" I ask, playfully offended, putting a hand up to my heart. "So, you just rope girls up here?"

He laughs to himself, shaking his head slightly. "You caught me.." Grayson says, putting his hands up in surrender.

Grayson tales a seat, back against the rock, patting the spot beside him. "Let's talk. I wanna get to know more about you. What's your story, new girl?" He asks.

"W-well.... I'm from New York... Um.." I think to myself, trying to think of something interesting about my life. "I have a little sister. She's 2...."

Grayson chuckles. "What about yourself? Tell me about yourself..."

"There's not much to tell, I guess." I quietly respond, playing with the tips of my fingers.

Grayson smiles gently before turning towards me. "Okay.... I'll start..." He says, getting up on his feet.

I look up at him in confusion. "I'm Grayson Bailey Dolan. Yes, Bailey, that's my middle name. I have a twin brother named, Ethan Grant Dolan and A sister names Camron who's in University..."

I smile at him, pulling my knees up to my chest to get comfortable.

"I used to wrestle with Ethan when I was younger a lot. I'm actually pretty good at it.." He smirks, kissing his biceps, making me laugh. "I also like football and lacrosse."

He puts his pointer finger to his chin, accentuating the action of him thinking. "I also like moths." Grayson adds, taking a seat beside me. "Your turn...."

I nod nervously, getting up. "Well.... I'm B-Brooklyn Bryers... People call me B-Brooke...." I stutter, keeping my eyes on my hands instead of his face. "I-I like to read.... Poetry... I used to play basketball in a r-rep team when I was in middle school and I was a competitive dancer..." As my stuttering subsided, my eyes trailed to Grayson.

He was smiling warmly and put his thumbs up in encouragement, giving me a little confidence. I take a deep breath through my mouth. "I go to community centres in my free time because I adore kids..... I also love dinosaurs..."

"Anything in particular?" Grayson asks, his eyes twinkling.

I shake my head, smiling. "I just like T-rexes because of their small arms."

"And-" Grayson cuts me off again, putting his fingers to his lips and leaning in towards me. I look up at him in confusion but his eyes stay glued in front of him.

Then I hear it too. Rustling.

A girl appears. Another girl.

The same girl who was talking to Grayson earlier.

"What're you doing here?" She asks after a moment of silence, looking over at me.

"What? Amber, I'm just hanging out here.... I just brought Brooke here with me..." He tells her, getting up to her level.

The other girl scoffs. "This was our spot Grayson! Not your makeout park!" She exclaims. I can hear a hint of annoyance and a whine in her tone. That pisses me off. "You're unbelievable, Grayson!" She spits, pushing him back slightly.

That's when I step in. Picking up all the courage in me, I take a deep breath in and talk. "Hey don't touch h-" I start, before she throws a venomous look my way. "Stay out of this, mute."

That's when I step back. Mute? B-Because I don't talk? Feeling self conscious, I stare at my feet. He didn't even defend me.

"Amber, please-" Grayson interjects, before even she cuts him off.

"Screw you! I'm leaving. This can be your spot instead. I don't want anything to do with you!"

And with that, Amber is gone.

Grayson just stares at the part of the path that Amber has just walked out on. Like it has some valuable treasure scattered on it.

"Grayson?" I squeak, trying to break the silence. He doesn't respond at first. He then sighs. "Just go, Brooke."

Without another word, I leave.

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