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Brooke's POV

After about 2 weeks in the hospital, I finally get to leave.

"You excited, baby?" Grayson asks, helping me by slipping my beanie over my head.

It was a chilly spring day. These last couple days, Grayson's been coming over after school.

I look around at the flowers in my room all from him. He brought them every 3 or 4 days. Always my favourites too, daisies.

He always has an update at school. A couple other people came to visit but it was predominantly Grayson, Alison, Ethan, Cameron and Matt.

I nod, coughing a little. I had two little nubs in my nose to help me breathe through a cannula. Just like Hazel did in The Fault In Our Stars.

Poor girl. It really sucked having them. Recovery was hard. I couldn't laugh as much without coughing and I hated rolling it around. Plus the wires got stuck everywhere. Everywhere

"Hey, Hey...." Grayson says worried. "Take a deep breath." He says, guiding me with a big inhale.

I follow, closing my eyes as I exhale. "Thank you." I giggle, adjusting my nubs.

"Anytime, princess." He chuckles, holding onto the roller handle for my cannula.

I give him a look stating that I could do it myself.

"Please?" He pouts, pecking his bottom lip.

I sigh, smiling at him as a nod. "I'm okay."

"I know." He says, interlocking our fingers while rolling my cart. "I just really like helping you. My princess doesn't need to lift a finger." He smiles, kissing the top of my head.

I blush, covering my face. I forget about the wires leading up to my face and in an attempt to cover my red cheeks. Pull the nubs down.

Grayson races to a stop and helps me put them back on.

I try my hardest not to cough at the sudden loss.

Grayson gives me a stern look. "You gotta be careful."

"I am..." I defend with a raspy voice. "Just.... I forget... About the... Stuff." I refer to my wires.

"Brooklyn Barnes, you're gonna be the death of me." He laughs, shaking his head teasingly. "I love you."

"I know." I giggle.

"You Han soloed me?"

I imitate a kiss, laughing again before I cough violently.

"Baby!" Grayson exclaims, his eyes opening wide as he rubs my back.

"I'm o-okay." I reply breathlessly.

"No you're fucking not!" He roars, throwing his hands in the air frustrated.

The hospital grows silent. So do I.

I back away, pulling my sleeves down.

Grayson lets out a groan, rubbing his forehead. "I-I'm sorry.... I'm just really fucking tired...."

"W-When was the last time y-you s-slept?" I stutter, choosing my words wisely to not make him mad.

"A while." He mumbles, rubbing his eyes, opening his car door for me. "I'm just taking small naps in the hospital with you."

"W-Why?" I ask, looking at him sceptically.

"Well I couldn't sleep with you in the hospital, babe." He chuckles in a duh tone, starting the car.

"B-But..." I feel myself stop as my heart aches for him. He was worried sick awake with me. I only saw him sleeping beside me hand when I woke up. It never occurred to me that he was getting no sleep. "S-Sleep over... At m-my house." I suggest.

He looks over to me surprised. "You're okay with that?" Grayson asks, turning his wheel, switching his attention back to the road.

I nod. "I think we'd both sleep a little better." I say quietly, resting my hand on his that was laying over the gear shifter.

He grins sweetly at me, softly bringing my small hand to his lips.

I absolutely loved it when he did that.


"Are you okay?" He asks for the millionth time as I shift over in my bed.

I groan while laughing. "I'm okay, Handsome! Go to sleep."

He says quiet. "I rushed into the hospital to hear that you were in surgery to remove a tumour. I heard how difficult it was t-to remove." He starts, his voice breaking a little. "I sat t-there for hours w-waiting. You d-don't know h-how terrified I-I w-was...."

I turn around to face him.

Small tears rolled down his face. Grayson shut his eyes tight, sniffling. "I can't lose you."

I take a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air I got.

Scooting over, I put my head on his chest, softly rubbing his stomach with my thumb.

His muscles tense up like always but he eases into it and runs his hands through my hair.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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