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Brooke's POV

I check the time on my phone again. It's been 3 minutes but I'm so excited.

Finally, I see the light of headlights shine through my front door.

Letting out a light squeal, I sprint to grab my bag. Then I hear the doorbell.

I take a breath and wait. I can't just open the door in a second, it'll seem like a desperate. I held my breath and walked calmly towards the door.

The second my hand touches the doorknob, I feel a little bit of my confidence melt away.

"Hi Grayson." I quietly greet.

"Hey Brooklyn." He winks, extending his elbow. "Shall we?"

I giggle. "We shall."

He opens his car door for me in a gentlemanly manner to which I smile and sit down, watching his happily skip to the drivers side.

"So..." He starts, closing his door once he hops in. Grayson starts the car.

"Yeah?" I chirp, smiling.

"I know what Amber said to you...." he sighs, keeping his eyes on the road. "It wasn't true."

My smile fades again. As always. Suddenly, I feel my eyes brim with tears. "I don't get it." I whisper with a cracking voice.

Grayson's hand covers mine. "I know...." he softly says, gliding his thumb over my skin. "Me neither..... I also know, they don't know what they're talking about."

I bite the inside of my cheeks and look away. "So where're we going?" I sigh.

Grayson lightly chuckles. "Well, since you obviously don't believe me.... I'm going to prove you wrong. I do wanna hang out with you." He says. Grayson leans back, resting a hand behind my seat to park.

"We're here." He says.

I take a peak outside of the window. What?

I see nothing but a bunch of trees lined up. It's around 7 so the sky looks purple but other than that, I don't understand.

"Grayson?" I question.

He smiles, stepping out. "Trust me."


"Don't peak." Grayson giggles. Yes, giggles. His hands are in front of my eyes again.

"I'm not...." I return, smiling back. Really, this boys joy is contagious.

I hear twigs snap and leaves rustle beneath us and the cool wind rushes through my hair.

"Okay..." he quietly says. "Now." And I feel his hands move from my eyes.

I'm greater with the most beautiful scenery. Fireflies buzz freely around me. It looks absolutely beautiful. Although the sky is purple, you can see their strong light. They fly around me and Grayson and I giggle, extending my finger for one.

After a while, I realize that I've completely forgotten about Grayson. I turn to my side and see him staring at me with such intent and happiness.

"Now...." he sighs, stepping closer to me. "You think I'd bring you to watch bugs with lights shining out of their butts if I didn't like you?" He asks.

I blush and look down at our feet. "Maybe you're just being nice." I joke.

"Maybe I am." He agrees with a shrug. "Or maybe....." Grayson starts, leaning in closer to me. "...I just really like you." He finishes, bringing his lips to my cheek.

Incredibly soft lips, might I add.

I instantly feel my cheeks start to burn and a huge smile show up on my face.

"I like you too Gray..." I giggle, hiding my face.

"Really!?" He asks in a childlike manner, jumping up and down slightly.

I nod happily, grinning at him. My heart flutters at the sight of him. His eyes were twinkling, slightly crinkled at the sides. He was grinning boyishly, shaking off his beautiful teeth. His cheeks were slightly pink and he looked like he was going to explode.

I mean, I was too,

"God, really?" He asks for the second time, looking at me in disbelief.

"Yes really, goofball." I laugh, not hiding my smile. "I like you."

"More than a friend?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

"More than friend." I confirm, nodding once.

"But I like you too!!!" He exclaims, throwing his hands in the air.

I giggle at him again, showing so much excitement. "I know Grayson! We both do!"

Grayson began to lean in, pressing his forehead to mine. He puts his one hand around my waist, pulling our bodies closer together. A few moments later his lips are pressed against mine.

Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. What do I do? Holy shit. Oh my gosh.

I barely tense, enough for Grayson to notice. He slightly pulls away, his lips still brushing mine.

"It's okay, don't be nervous." He mutters before kissing me once again. I finally relax into his touch, reciprocating the kiss. My hands move off of his chest and to his neck, fingers tangling in his hair. The nervous feeling in my chest quickly disappeared as I slowly became more comfortable. Grayson grips my hips tighter, pulling me as close to him as possible. I never wanted this moment to end.

Sadly, it did.

Grayson slowly pulled away, leaving his hands on my hips. "That was good." He breathes, touching his forehead to mine again.

"You were really good." I mumble back, closing my eyes.

"I really like you, Brooke."

"I really like you too, Gray."

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