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Ambers POV

I scratched the back of my head, taking a long look at the text I had just gotten.

I scratched the back of my head, taking a long look at the text I had just gotten

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Could that be..... Grayson?

I grin happily and push my padlock into my locker, grabbing my bag. The school bell rings, signalling the end of a long day and I rush to the forest.

Our spot?

Did he just call it our spot?

I slip a piece of mint gum into my mouth and walk in, excited to see Grayson.

I reach the circle of rocks and see a backpack resting against one. 

"Grayson!" I smile. "You didn't c-". I gasp, noticing that the bag didn't belong to Grayson. It belonged to Ethan.

"Hey..." He says, smugly.

I raise an eyebrow. "Hi?... I don't understand...."

"Oh yeah... Well, Gray got busy so I thought so should keep you company." Ethan replies, taking a step towards me."

I scoff and cross my arms. "You know, this is specifically Grayson and Is spot."

"You don't own it." Ethan fires back.

"Twins for sure." I mumble under my breath.





"What if we turn it into our spot?" Ethan suggests, breaking the silence.

"I-I'm not sure....."

Ethan sighs angrily. "Why do you wanna see him so bad anyways? He's a dweeb."

I shake my head and walk away, frustrated and unwilling to continue.

I hear the sound of footsteps behind me and don't pause. Instead, I speed up.

"You like him don't you?" He asks me.

I cough. "W-What?"

"You like him." He repeats, smiling like he's accomplished something.

"No! Of course not! We're friends. That's all." I huff, continuing to walk, rolling my eyes at his stupid question.

"You're a terrible liar." Ethan chuckled. "I can bring you to him...."

I hesitate. Would he want to see me? He didn't call me. He didn't even look at me this morning.

"I'm fine, thanks."

Sorry guyses, this one had to be short. Next chapter is going to be better

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