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Grayson's POV

I hastily push open the cafe door, looking around for my doll.

"Brooke." I breath, finally finding her in the corner of the store across from Alison.

"Brooke." I yell, jogging towards her.

Her figure softly turns and although her head is bowing down, I can see her eyes.
I open my arms and she immediately gets up, jumping into them.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I whisper against the top of her head, wrapping my arms around her.

"I'll fine you guys some privacy. Brooke, call me if you need me." Alison says, getting up. "Take care." She says, patting my shoulder. "And Brooklyn, stay strong. We've got you, boo."

I only feel her nod against my chest, sniffling.

"Did he hurt you?" I worriedly ask, stepping back to search her. I gently pull her hoodie down to see her face and check for bruises.

Brooke shakes her head, avoiding eye contact.

I put a finger down under her chin and softly lift it up, searching her eyes. "What's wrong?"

Brooke closes her eyes, a pained expression crossing her features. "I-I feel disgusting."

"Why?" I ask, tucking a stand of her hair behind her ear.

She covers her face. "He just...." Brooke brushes her hair out of her face again, taking a seat. "It felt wrong." She cried, looking away.

I shake my head this time, interlocking my fingers with hers and gently pulling her up. "Come... Lets go for a walk."


Brooke's POV

We ended up talking. Resolving everything.
Outside of the cafe.

Turns out, Amber force him to come but after about 5 minutes, he felt guilty and went to look for me. He got worried and went to look for his phone but turns out, it must've fallen out. He found it and saw Ali's text and got here as quick as he could.

But he wouldn't stop apologizing.

"I'm sorry." Grayson mumbles against my hand, kissing my knuckles for the hundredth time, "I should've been there."

"It's okay." I trail off, holding him close and burying my face into his grey sweater. "I was just..... Scared."

He doesn't answer, just holds me tighter. "I didn't drink." He quietly says.

I smile to myself. "Good."

"I love you." Grayson chuckles.

I sigh in content, kissing his built chest. "I love you too."

Grayson squeezed my hand as he opened his front door.

I heard the clipping sound of a goose ball table and yells. Ethan and his friends might be over.

"Don't worry about them, beautiful." He whispered, looking around the house. "we'll go upstairs. To my room."

He hesitates before taking a second to register what he just said. "N-No I mean.... N-Not for t-that.... We can watch a m-movie." He stutters, looking lost.

I laugh softly.

"Anyways, um... Yeah, make yourself at home." He says nervously, opening the room to his door.

" He says nervously, opening the room to his door

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he had a clean room. I mean, normally on TV you see a messy teenage boys room. His room was clean except for the couple t shirts and jeans sprawled across the floor.

"Sorry, I didn't know I was gonna have you over...." He stutters, rushing to pick them up.

I giggle, rubbing to his beanbag chair and hopping down sitting on it. I make myself comfortable and shift down on it, stretching. I inhale deeply, humming to myself, pushing away all the bad thoughts.

"You seem to like my bean bag chair more than you like me." Grayson chuckles, crossing his arms.

"That's cause I do." I reply, opening one eye.

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