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*Keep in mind it's been a couple weeks*

Brooke's POV

Grayson kisses my cheek before he runs to class, rushing to get there on time for his strict math teacher.

I sigh in content, pushing my books into my locker. These past couple days have been absolutely amazing. I actually have friends now, I've started to talk more, I'm happier and most of it is thanks to Grayson. Gosh-

"Hey." Someone says behind me.

I turn around and feel my heart drop and chest tighten. It's Amber. Of course it is.

Y'know, I've noticed that every time everything's just starting to get better, here comes Amber. She just manages to ruin it all.

Fine. I can't have her ruin this. I keep my head up like she does and walk past her, not acknowledging her existence. Just. Like. She. Does.

"Excuse me?" I hear her scoff behind me.

I swallow and take a deep breath through my nose before continuing to walk.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She seethes before the bell rings. I continue to keep my head up.

Amber doesn't seem to follow me but I feel her gaze on me until I get into my classroom.


While listening to the teacher, I suddenly feel like I hear a buzz. Shoving the thought to the back of my head, I continue to listen until I realize something.

It's my phone.

I scramble to grab it from my bag, trying not to pull attention.

It's a text from Grayson?

I'm bored
Are you there?
Hahaha too busy in class eh?
Seriously though.
Talk to me.

I hold back a smile, quickly typing back:

Gray? Aren't you in class?

He replies and sees the text the second I send it.

Yeah. But I miss you

My heart flutters. That's sweet. Well, I can't leave him hanging

I miss you too, handsome.

I lick my lips and look up bashfully at the teacher as she continues to teach her lesson. Sadly, I'm not really listening anymore.


The bell rings and I happily skip out, pulling my phone out of my back pocket to text Grayson.

Can we go out for ice cream after school? It's a good day 😁

Oh my. Is this ME asking him on a date? Would it count as another date? Is it still a date when you're actually dating someone? Wait are we? Oh my gosh does that mean we're dating???

He doesn't answer so I slip it back into my back pocket, heading to his locker since I have everything for my next class with me.

As I get closer, I see him chattering away with his brother and I instantly feel warm.

They've been fighting for so long. Maybe fighting isn't the right word, but I've really been looking forward to seeing them act like brothers. They've really bonded.

"Right, today after school?" Grayson asks.... Or by his tone, seems like he confirms.

Ethan nods, pulling at his straps wit a boyish grin. "I'll meet you there with the guys." He winks, walking away.


"Hey beautiful." Grayson greets, waving to me.

"Hi..." I quietly mumble, smiling. "Where're you going after school?" I ask.

"The guys wanna head to the gym so Ethan invited me along. At least I won't be alone." He chuckles, humming to himself.

He seems really happy.... And I did want him and his brother to get along. I can't just ruin it.

"Okay..." I politely smile, tucking my phone deeper into my pocket as if it might fall out any second from now.

Grayson slightly squints at me. "You okay?" He asks.

I bite my lip and nod happily, taking some steps closer to him, knowing it would make him happy. I wanted to change the topic.

I seem to be right because he lights up and wraps his arm around my waist. "You can come if you want..." he suggests, walking with me to our next and last class.

I giggle, shaking my head. "I'm okay.... Too much testosterone.... And smelly boys." I say, scrunching up my nose.

He laughs, throwing his head back. "You're right... I do smell bad.... But, someone told me I kissed well...." He smoothly replies, smirking.

I gasp playfully. "Who? I don't remember telling you that Grayson!?"

Grayson holds his heart in pain. "Shots fired..... Ouch.... Take it easy on me, princess."

I blush at the nickname. "I'm joking..."

"That means I'm good?" Grayson exclaims.

Again. Joke. I can't even explain how amazing-


Class ends again.

You know that feeling of relief when you finish school? When like, despite the good or bad day, you're just happy to be on your way home?

That's what it was like.

Grayson closes up behind me. "Boo." He attempts to scare me.

I jump at the sudden contact but look at him wide eyed.

"Am I supposed to say you scared me?"

"That would be good."

"You scared me"

Grayson let's out a deep chuckle. "Anyways, you'll be okay alone today? If you need anything, anything at all, call me. I'll check my phone whenever I can okay? If you want-" Grayson rants like a worried mother. (Cute lil bean)

"Babe...." I smile, putting my hand up to the side of his face. "I'll be okay."

Grayson takes a deep breath in and smiles back at me. His hand raises to mine and gives it a slight squeeze.

"I'll talk to you when I'm home?" He says as the boys start to walk over to him.

"I'll be waiting." I whisper, leaning in to peck his lips.

Grayson smiles like a child on Christmas morning and that smile doesn't leave as he turns to his friends.

Different | Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now