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*1 week later*

Brooke's POV

I bob my head softly to the music playing from Grayson's left earbud. "Sunset Lover" was playing. It was both of our favourite song. Our song.

Pulling my knees up to my chest, I tuck my homework away into my vans bag.

Grayson's reading a book to my right so I lean into him, resting my head on his chest.

"You okay?" He asks absentmindedly, focusing on the pages of his book.

I sigh in response, dropping my head down a little in front of his book.

His eyes leave his pages and move to me instead. "What's up?" He asks, shifting in his spot.

"Nothing..." I reply with a smile on his face, squeezing in to read what he was reading.

This time Grayson chuckles, playing with a lock of my hair. "You're bored?" He asks in a predicting tone.

I giggle, hiding my face in his chest. "Yeah." I say, muffled by his bUilT ChEsT oH Em GeEeEEEeE

"Baby, can I ask you something?" He asks shaken. Like he was.... nervous?

"Y-Yeah? Of course, why?" I question, feeling myself get nervous at his tone.

Grayson gulps, getting down on his knees before inhaling.

"G-Grayson? What's-"

"Before the hospital thing happened, I was going to ask you something.... I a-asked your parents for permission and e-everything...." He says nervously, pulling a small blue velvet box.

"Grayson...." I breathe, feeling myself breath heavily.

"When university starts..... since we both know where we're going..."

Grayson's takes a deep breath, mumbling something to himself.

"Will you move i-in with me?" He asks, cringing at his slight voice crack.

I feel my lip quiver as I look down at a small silver key. "G-Grayson..." I whisper in a raspy voice.
"I-I....." tears escape my eyes. "Of c-course I will!" I exclaim, feeling my chest rise.

Grayson looks relived, getting up off of his knee. "Would've been awkward if you said no...." He chuckles weakly, holding my hands.

I giggle, coughing a little. "I w-would n-never...." I say, holding my hands in front of my mouth to soften my cough.

Grayson runs my back slowly, kissing my neck. "Get better, princess...." he mumbles, wrapping his hands around my waist.

I nod, smiling warmly.

"Shall we head to the ice cream parlour to celebrate?" Grayson asks, picking up my bag for me.

I blush, nodding a muttering a quiet "yes", while looking down at the key.

"Y'know, I bought this beautiful apartment about 10 minutes away..."

I shake my head jokingly. "You're rich." I quietly say, wrapping my hand around his arm.

"Nothing's to good for my queen." He says, shrugging his shoulders. "You cold?" He asks, nodding towards his sweater and my thin trench coat.

I shake my head, looking up into his eyes.

"I love you..." He gushes, taking the words out of my mouth.

"Hey...." I whine, smacking his arm lightly. "I was supposed to say that."


Ambers POV (oh nOnOnOnO)

Ethan chuckles with his friends, taking a swing of his strawberry vodka.

I throw a fake smile, scrolling though my Instagram feed. Pictures on Brooke's account pop up, showing a picture of a key. The next slide was a picture of her kissing Grayson's cheek happily.

I grinned onto my phone tighter, feeling my blood boil. She doesn't deserve him.

"Ethan..." I say, getting up from my spot, fusing my dress off. "I gotta go home... my mums calling. I'll text you soon?"

Ethan nods. "Text me when you're home, princess." He winks, taking his attention back to his friends.

It's always his friends. He doesn't even notice me. Or care.

I scoff to myself, checking Snapchat.

I look into the Snapchat map, telling me where all my friends were in the world. Grayson and Brooke's bitmoji showed that they were in an ice cream shop.

I smirk, heading right over. He's there? I'll be there too.


The shops bell rings as I step in.

Grayson and Brooke sit beside a square table across from each other. Brooklyn takes a lick of her ice cream, shaking her head. Her eyes lead up to mine.

I smile, walking towards them.

Brooke's mood automatically goes from happy to tense.

I grin, powerfully. That's right bitch, be scared.

"Hi Guys!" I exclaim, pulling a chair from a nearby table up beside Grayson's.

Brooke waves awkwardly, looking nervously around the shop.

"H-Hi... Amber." Grayson quietly says.

"You guys having fun?" I ask enthusiastically, trying to make conversation.

Brooke nods, getting up off of her seat. "Excuse me...." she mumbles, keeping her head down. "I have to use the restroom...."
Grayson's looks up at her confused but lets her go.

She gets up and leaves as I tap my fingers against the table quietly.

"Is it okay if you help me out with my car really quickly?" I ask, trying to look innocent like she does.

Grayson bites his lip, looking at the girls restroom door. "But Brooke-" he stops, sighing.

"It'll only be a minute." I press, trying to convince him.

He nods and I show him to my car.

"So..." I start, dropping my voice down, pushing up the hood of my car. "This part..." I say, bending down slightly. "Seems to be the problem."

Grayson comes closer beside me, keeping his eyes on the car parts.

I refrain from giggling. He's playing hard to get....

"It's fine?" Grayson says in a tone that sounds like he's asking.

"Oh..." I giggle, scooting in closer to him.

Grayson backs away, stuttering.
"I-I should go inside.... Brooklyn must be w-waiting."

"She'll be okay..." I say, pulling him back slightly.

"Please!" He yells, shitting his eyes to calm himself down. "Don't touch me.... Please."

"Grayson, what's wrong?" I ask, trying to looks upset.

"You're touching me and I don't like it." He snarls. "I have a girlfriend."

I nod angrily, speed walking past him and into the parlour.

I walk into the restroom and see Brooklyn washing her hands against the sink.

Pissed off, I pull the wires up at her nose down harshly. She jumps, coughing, while stepping back.

"Fuck you!" I spit, pushing her back onto the wall before leaving her on the floor, coughing violently.

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