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Amber's POV

Ethan laughs as he pushing his house door open for me. I giggle at the sweet gesture before he puts his finger to his lips. "Grayson's still at home.... I don't want him to hear..." He chuckles, bending down to kiss my lips. I respond quickly, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Can I take you upstairs?" He whispers, kissing my lips once more. I nod, smiling.

Grabbing my hand, he leads me upstairs.

That's when I hear Grayson. "Eth!" He tells from his room. "Check this out for a second?"

I look up at Ethan. He looks awkward himself. "Yeah give me a-"

Ethan is cut off my Grayson opening his own door with a notebook in his hand.

"Why did-" Grayson's stops, eyeing my presence. His eyes drop to our interlocked hands and I immediately see his face drop. "Are you guys...."

Ethan's eyes flicker to me before he slowly nods at Grayson. Grayson sighs before turning around and walking back into his room, glumly.

I can't hell but feel sorry for the guy. I did like him. He was sweet and caring.... But not for me.

He brought a girl into our spot. He forgot me. How could he forget me over a mute ?


Grayson's POV

As soon as I close my bedroom door behind me, I blink several times before rubbing my eyes. Did I really just see that?

She said she didn't like him. She said it multiple times. She couldn't have just...

What about me?

I frown sadly, balling my fists. Not in anger. Just sadness. Maybe if I spent more time with her.... She wouldn't have gone to him. After all, she did say he was an asshole.

She said I was one too though.

Picking my science textbook off of my bed, I pick up my phone, going onto Instagram.

Picking my science textbook off of my bed, I pick up my phone, going onto Instagram

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Thats when I saw it. The picture of Ethan.

How did I not see that before? Checking the date, I see that it was posting 5 days ago.

No, I'm not gonna like that post.

Scowling, I throw my phone down on my bed and pick my notebook up.

Something about it makes my frown slightly turn into a smile.

I remember that page.

I sigh in boredom as I try and think up an idea for my history presentation.

My pencil hits my paper but doesn't move.

"What're you doing?" A sweet voice asks beside me.


"Trying to think." I groan, leaning into the sofa I'm sitting on.

"Let me HeLp." She replies, taking a seat beside me. Brooke extends her hand for the pencil and I hesitantly drop it in her hand.

She glides the pencil over the paper and draws.... A spaceship?
I look at her in confusion and she giggles.

"Your turn." She smiles, passing it over to me.

Grinning, I draw an alien.

It just keeps going.

Eventually I did get an idea. Thanks to her.

I shouldn't have just stood and watched. I should've said something.

She's not a mute. She's special to me.



Sitting in the library, I flip the page of my science novel.

Suddenly, the couch I'm sitting on dips.

Is Brooke.

I take a breath. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Brooklyn, you're not a mute. You're nothing that they say you are. And I should've have just stood there-"

She cuts me off.

"It's okay." She quietly says, pulling her fingers.

"Friends?" I ask.

"Friends." She repeats, a small smile showing up on both of our faces.

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