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Third person POV

Grayson watched as Amber walked out of the door. His front door. With his brother, Ethan.

Ethan and Grayson used to be inseparable. They would go everywhere together. They would laugh together, cry together and sadly, love together. Any girl Grayson seemed to have an interest in, the same went with Ethan.

Amber hesitantly left with his brothers letterman jacket on. Alone with him.

Now he was alone.

He didn't mind. The only thing that bothered him was the fact that she was alone with Ethan.

He heard her sweet laughing ring from his room. He could hear almost everything and it was starting to become next to impossible for Grayson to compete.

Let me know when you're home. Grayson texted Amber.

Like she'd even answer....
Grayson thought, frowning to himself.

It was a long day. A long day indeed.

Grayson's POV

"Class!" My teacher said, trying to catch everyone's attention. The volume of the room when quiet by a considerable amount. "Im pleased to announce that we will be having a new student!" She claps, gesturing a little figure to come closer.

A fragile girl appears. The sleeves of her hoodie were pulled up to her palms and eyes glued to her feet.

"This is Brooke.... She's moved here from New York. Please be polite. Brooke, you can sit there..." my teacher points to the seat about 3 steps away from me.

I don't pay much attention to this girl and direct my attention back to the papers in front of me.


"Grayson?" My teacher calls from her desk. I nod and step up to her.

"Grayson, darling would you mind showing Brooke around? She doesn't seem to be quiet the talker..... Of course you see why I can't ask someone like Ethan, don't you?" She asks. I nod slowly before sending her a small smile as the bell rings.

I sling my bag over my shoulder and wait for the new girl at the door.

Amber's POV

Pushing my padlock into my locker, I pause as Grayson walks across the hall with a girl to his side. She has a slight smile on her face but the grin on Grayson's face is much much larger.

Huh. Haven't seen her around here before?

"Grayson!" I yell. He turns around, his smile slightly disappears.

"W-Who's.... She?" I stutter, turning my head to her slightly. The girl steps back and shuffles her feet nervously.

"She's Brooke. She's new..." Grayson explains. I can't help but notice the step he takes in front of her.


Be that way.

"I'm going to go hang with Ethan. see you later...."

Grayson doesn't even acknowledge me.

Grayson's POV

"I'm going to hang with Ethan. See you later..." Amber waves, turning to leave.

A sharp pang of guilt hits me. She's always with him.

Amber walks a couple more steps till Ethan walks out of his class, eyes glued to his phone.

Amber says something and his face lights up.

"Grayson?" Someone asks behind me.

It was Brooke. Now, Brooke had in incredibly quiet voice. It was fragile. Like glass.

Although, I'm not entirely sure how a voice can be compared to glass.

Anyways it was quiet. I was careful not to raise my voice because I felt like I'd be the one to break it. Her voice.

Although it was frail, it was loud. Gentle.

"Yeah?" I softly reply, looking down at her.

"You okay?" The girl asks, pulling her sleeves up to her fingers again.

I nod. "Anyways, I'll show you to the science room...."

"Grayson..." she cuts me off. "We don't need to do this.... You don't need to be my friend." She says, trying to look away.

"Well we can be friends."

She doesn't answer at first. Her head is still facing the ground but I can tell her eyes are open a little wider. In shock?

"Okay." Brooke squeaks.

"Cool... Friends. Now do I have your permission to show you around the school?" I chuckle.

She giggles, nodding more so to herself than to me.

Brookes POV

The bell rings dimissing me from my boring science class. Don't get me wrong science is great, its just werd when you see people staring at you every second.

I don't blame them. It's human nature. I'm the new girl.

Zipping up my bag after placing my spiral notebook into my bag, I fell something hit my shoulder. Jumping at the sudden ipact, I look down at my feet. It's a crumpled up ball of paper.

I raise my brow, bending down to pick it up and straighting it on my desk.

Still friends? It says.

I turn, looking around the room at who could've written it. Then, a familiar figure catches you.

Grayson. With his floppy hair landing infront of his face. He's smiling and I swear I saw him glace in my direction.

I smile to myself, looking down at the note again, reading it over and over until I gently fold it and tuck it into my jeans.

I boost myself up, trying to catch up to him without getting any attention. "Grayson!" I yell, trying to get him to stop. Me being me though, my yell is a whisper so he doesn't seem to hear me.

Grayson stops finally, at his locker and I speed walk up to him.

"I suppose we are friends" I giggle, giving him a lopsided grin.

"Woah... I'm honored. I always thought you were too cool to be my friend." He replies in an amused tone, grabbing his hoodie and a vans bag.

I look down at my feet, trying to hide my smile. I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Anyways, I've got a place to show you..." He tells me with a huge, giddy smile on his face.

"A place? Whe-" Grayson cuts me off

"Just come!" He exclaims happily.

Gramber or Brayson? Hehehehehehehehe

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