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Brooke's POV

It's almost time to go out for lunch. Excited, I fix up my hair in the change room, smiling to myself as I thought of Grayson.

The girls change room door creaks open and I hear the sound of high heels clopping before I see a familiar face.


She had a smug look on her face that was held up high. Like she was too good to even look at me.

"Hello." She quietly greets, unzipping what I presumed to be her makeup bag.

"Hi." I mumble, feeling myself shrink in her shadow.

"You coming with us to lunch?" She asks, twirling a mascara wand around her long eyelashes.

I nod slowly.

"Speak, mute." She snarls. I swear I've never heard so much venom in someone's voice.

My lips purse together and chest feels tight. I don't feel so good anymore.

I gulp, feeling my eyes close. "Yes... I-I'm coming." I shakily say.

"You know, Grayson only feels bad for you." Amber calmly stated. "He feels bad about a loser all alone."

My eyes flicker to her than back to my feet. That's probably true.

"He's pretty annoyed. Y'know how you follow him around." She continues, putting a nude lipstick on.

"I don't think so...." I mumble.

"Oh, I do. We all know. No ones gonna wanna hang with a mute"

And I feel tears prickle my eyes. Blinking rapidly, I try to make them stop but it just makes them come down worse.

I keep my head down and dust my hands. My fingernails started to dig into my palm.

Smacking her lips together, she walks out. "He's just that nice, sweetie." She smirks.


Grayson's POV

"We going, dude?" Aaron asks me, resting a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah.... Just waiting for Brooke." I respond, looking around for her small figure.

"Oh she said she wasn't coming. She didn't feel well...." Amber sweetly tells me.

Really? "Should I call her?" I ask her.

"No no.... She must be resting at home now. Let her get better..." Amber warmly says.

I nod slowly, feeling a little worried. She would've told me.

"Alright, let's go." I grin, nodding my head towards the door.


The boys laugh obnoxiously at a joke. Amber sticks to Ethan with his arm wrapped around her waist.

It doesn't seem to bother me anymore. I mean before, I was always angry. My blood would boil and I was filled with hatred.

After Brooke, it just didn't seem to matter. She taught me how to let it go.

Speaking of Brooke, was she really sick?

I gotta text her.

That last part worried me a little

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That last part worried me a little.

"Hey you okay?" Ethan asks, breaking my thoughts.

I nod and he nudged me playfully. "Forget about it. She'd want you to have fun." He says.

I guess he's right.


As soon as I get home, I rush to text Brooke.

When I turn on my phone, the first thing I see is a red battery bar. I cuss under my breath and plug my phone in, standing beside it to charge even one percent. I needed to text her.

"Yo Gray!" Ethan yells, after he's probably just walked in.

"We're headed to Cameron's place. You wanna join?"

I look down at my phone longingly, seeing that it still wasn't charged. Fine.

I pull my charger out of its outlet and take my phone, rushing down the stairs to join them

Brooke's POV

Drained of energy, I pour myself a glass of water.

What Amber said was swirling around my head all day. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I mean, she wasn't lying. He hasn't even called me yet.

I look down at my phone again, just to check for the millionth time.

Nope. He texted me once at lunch and that's it.

I should steer clear for him now. I don't wanna bother him or make him feel like he's obligated to stay with me.

He isn't.

Sighing sadly, I trudge back to my room.

Then I hear my phone chime.

I'm coming over to your house right now.
It says.

I bite my lip and smile. Then the smile fades.

I start to type.

Grayson, don't come. It's fine.

He responded within seconds.

Bullshit. Wear something comfortable, I'm taking you out.

Taking me out? What does that mean? Smiling again, I push the thought of him not wanting to be with me away.

I look down at what I'm wearing. A baggy shirt and ugly sweats.

No way, I need to change.

Everything about this outfit screamed my name

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Everything about this outfit screamed my name.

Just to look a little more presentable, I draw some wings at the end of my eyes and out on a natural looking lipstick.

My heart beats out of my chest in excitement.

"Brooklyn ,honey! Where're you going?" My mother asks, cooking dinner.

"Out with some friends. I'll be back before 10.." I respond.

My mother smiles devilishly. "Okay then. Be safe." She quickly says.

"Mooooom." I stretch.

"What? You can go with boys now...." she defends, grinning.

I groan and walk away, trying to hold back my smile.

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