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Grayson's POV

I huff, heaving a huge dumbbell up with my left then right, maintaining a steady pace.

The guys continue with locker room talk and I join in every once in a while.

My mind then drifts to Brooke. Is she okay? Amber wouldn't-

I sigh, putting down my weights. I still can't believe Amber of all people said something like that to her. She stressed it out to Brooklyn. Not only that, but Brooke is fragile. She's strong in her own way but she's like glass to me. Like a porcelain doll. I swallow, vowing for the hundredth time that I'd never be the one to break my beautiful porcelain doll. Really. I don't ever want to hurt her.

"You okay, dude?" Ethan asks me, draping a towel behind his neck.

I give a carefree nod. "Yeah, just thinking."

The other guys are talking amongst themselves now so Ethan takes a seat beside me. "About Brooke?"

I nod sheepishly, rubbing my hand through my damp hair. "You think she's okay?" I ask.

Ethan chuckles. "Dude she's okay. Come on. We both know her...."

Right. That's why I'm asking...

"Don't worry about her. I know she'd want you to have fun." Ethan says. "Cmon I wanna spend some time with my twin. Please?" He asks.

I sigh in playful annoyance. "Fine." I reply in a sassy tone.

Ethan laughs, punching my arm.

I grin, wiping my face with a towel on a rack beside me. Everything is looking great.

Turning my head to the guys to make sure they aren't looking, I turn back to a huge mirror wall infront of me.

I don't know why but I flex my arms. Cool. Looking nice boi. (Yeah damn right 😍)

"You guys wanna get something to eat at the mall?" Cameron asks.

Jack and Aaron pick up their duffel bags. "We gotta go right now. I have a ball game and Aaron has curfew." Jack says as Aaron smiles embarrassed.

Ethan laughs, teasing Aaron. "You're a real family guy eh?"

Aaron shrugs, grinning.

"Okay well, it's just us. You guys okay with the mall?" Camron asks, directly to me and Ethan.

He nods, looking over to me.

I was going to text Brooklyn to make sure she was okay but I guess she'll be okay. Plus, I told Ethan I'd spend time with him.

"Let's go." I grin.


Ethan takes an obnoxious sip of his coke from a McDonald's cup. "Right? And I completely destroyed him during the next season!" Ethan exclaims to us. We were talking about Ethan and his football season. Not long after, the topic was the NBA2K17 game.

Ethan's phone then chimes and he reaches into his pocket. "It's Amber...." He gushes, sliding his screen to text her back.

My mind goes to Brooke. Oh my gosh I completely forgot about her.

I quickly grab my phone and see a notification from her from a couple hours ago. She asked to go for ice cream today....

My heart drops and I immediately am hit with a pang of guilt. I went with them.... She wanted to spend time with me.

I sigh in defeat. At this point, Ethan's texting Amber and Cameron I'm assuming is playing a game.

I slide the screen and type to her.

I'm so sorry baby. I really am. I should've seen your message. I'll make it up tomorrow okay? Ice cream at 3?

I ask, since tomorrow's Saturday.

Brooke responds quickly.

No! Don't apologize! It's okay. Whenever you're free is fine. I'm still happy you're with your brother

I smile. This girl is perfect. She's so forgiving.

Now have fun. Text me when you're home handsome. Be safe XO

She says.

I exhale in relief. Thank god. I'm still excited to hang out with her though. There's never a dull moment with Brooklyn.

I look up from my phone and see Ethan smiling goofily while typing away.

Cameron seems to follow my gaze as he laughs in his hand, trying to muffle the sounds. "He's whipped." He whispers to me.

I nod and drop a little bit of water in my hand before spattering it all over Ethan.

Ethan splitters as we burst out laughing. He scrolls at us. "Do you mind?" He asks.

Cameron seems to be laughing harder so Ethan smacks the back of his head. "I actually have a girlfriend unlike you"

This time Cameron splutters and I explode in laughter.


Cameron leaves Ethans car, cussing at us before he hopped out.

Ethan pulls out of the driveway and heads to our house.

"You know..... This guys named Garret's having a party tomorrow". He tells me.

"Who's Garret?" I ask, looking out of the window.

"Some guy with rich ass parents. I don't hang around him much but we're on good terms. Anyways, he invited me and told me to ask you to come. It'll be awesome." Ethan says, looking over to me every couple seconds.

"Trust me, his parties are always the best."

"What time?" I ask.

"I think 2...."

I bite my lip, shaking my head. "I can't." I say. "I'm meeting Brooke at the  ice cream parlour. I promised."

"Well that's okay." Ethan says, shifting forward in his seat. "You can go. Stay at the party for an hour and then go back and get her. Once the dates over, you can come back."

I nod, smiling. "Alright cool."

"Good. You're a freak anyways. You've never been to a party before."

I nod in agreement. "Yeah you better show me the ropes, dude. I don't wanna look like an idiot."

"You'll be fine. Trust me."

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