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Amber's POV

I giggle as my best friend, Sydney tells me a joke about her younger brother.

A tall figure approaches us. Ethan? Ethan Dolan?

He smirks. "I heard... You were with my brother yesterday? Is that true?"

Sydney looks shocked. "What? Like a date?" She asks, disgusted.

I can see from the corner of my eyes, Grayson staring.

"No...." I start. "Not like a date. But yeah, I hung out with him after the fucking football goons decided to hurt him." I reply, crossing my arms.

Ethan's lip twitches. "Sure it wasn't a date?" He asks.

"Yes. I think I'd know Ethan Dolan. Now, have a great day, but I gotta get to class." I huff.

Sydney follows behind me. I mean I know it's her because I can hear the clip clop of her heels against the floor.
"A date?" She asks, surprised. "I didn't think he was your type."

"What IS my type Sydney? He's actually... really nice.." I tell her. "Once you get to know him."

She laughs. "And, how long have you known him, Amber?"

"Well I mean... you gotta talk to him. For gods sakes, the idiot jocks keep giving him a hard time." I exclaim.

She gives a sympathetic nod before waving me off to go to class.

Grayson is already reading in my Calculus class. There's a spot empty beside him, so I walk towards it.

"Hi." I chirp, placing my binders on my desk.

Grayson doesn't answer, but instead covers his face with the textbook in front of him.


He doesn't answer. "Are you back to being an asshole again?" I ask, angrily.
No answer.
"You're unbelievable Grayson. I thought we were friends. Now we're going back to square one!" I growl.

He shrugs and continues to ignore me.

I sigh in annoyance and pick at the eraser on the top of my pencil.

As soon as class ends, I rush out, cursing under my breath. Cursing st Grayson to be exact.


I take a deep sigh and walk to my spot again.

This time, I'm not alone.

Grayson comes slowly behind me.

"What?" I snarl.
He doesn't answer.

"Holy shit." I sigh, in exasperation. "You come to MY spot after ignoring me? What the hell did I do wrong?"

"Nothing, I just don't wanna be around you." Grayson says, quietly.

I scoff. "I get it. I'll go..." I growl, getting my stuff.

He says nothing.

Fucking unbelievable. This shitbag, invades my privacy, makes me believe that we're friends and then ignores me for some unspoken reason? I he-

"Amber!" Someone calls from behind me. I know who it is, so I don't turn around, instead I just freeze in my spot.

"Can I explain?"

"No." I bluntly say, keeping my head up.

"You sure?"
And with that, I turn around and walk towards him. "Better be a good explanation." I growl.


"Ethan is an asshole. I think you got the memo..." he starts.

I chuckle. "I think we know that... no offence."

"Non taken. It's just, if he sees you around me, he's never gonna let you hear the end of it. It's not exactly good to be roped with me..... maybe some people won't give a shit but he'll just figure some way out to ruin your years I'm highschool...." Grayson says. "I don't want you to turn into me."

That last part broke my heart.
"Grayson." I whisper.
He looks at me confused. "Why are you whispering?"

"Because......" I think. "I don't know. The point is, I can handle myself. I'll be alright. Plus, ill hang out with whoever I want. I don't care what they say. Just don't avoid me because of your brother okay?"

He nods, smiling.

"No worries, friend."

"Wanna see some of Ethan's baby pictures?" He asks, bringing his phone out of his pocket.

I smirk and tap my fingers together, "evilly"


"It's getting dark. Amber." Grayson tells me, bringing his knees to his chest.

I nod and look up into the sky. It's a beautiful mixture of yellow, red, orange and blue. I sigh.

Collapsing to the ground, I rest my head on my bag, looking up.
"It's beautiful isn't it?" I ask, in awe.

Grayson doesn't answer but instead comes and lays down on the grass beside me.
I actually just happen to notice the clothing he wears. He had ripped jeans and I nice salmon coloured t shirt. He dresses like a popular kid.

Actually... he looks pretty cute. I turn my head again away from him and to the sky. It changed in that course of time. It's darker now.

"I've never stayed...to notice the colours..." he says.

I smile. "You're not that bad, Gray" I grin.

He turns to me and smiles. "We should do this more often."

"Well you know where to find me. I'm always here." I say, turning to him again.

He does the same and turns to me making me smile.

"Amber?" He asks, breaking the silence.

I hum in response.


".... Can I have your number?" He asks. "Not for anything weird, just for homework and to... talk." He stutters, avoiding eye contact.

"Sure Gray." I giggle at how uncomfortable he looked. I heave myself up and comb my fingers through my hair, grabbing my notebook and scribbling my number. I rip the page and hand it to him.

He grins happily. "I shall use this." He says, waving the paper.

I giggle. "Then I shall wait." I tell him, stepping on my heel and walking towards my route home.

At a curb, I decide to take a quick look back to see if Grayson had left.

He was staring at the paper, smiling.

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