
730 19 2

Third Person POV

He stared at the ripped scrap paper she had given him.
The girl with the mesmerizing hazel eyes that always held curiosity and wonder. The girl with the pretty bow lips and slightly messy tresses.
That was Amber.
Amber was special. She had a childish, yet innocent taste.
Amber was kind. She was generous in her own way... even though sometimes, her tone proved otherwise.
Amber was funny. She had a brilliant sense of humour, and a laugh that was music to his ears.
Amber was amazing. She had no idea how brilliant she was in his eyes.

That's what Grayson had learned.
Yearning to hear her voice, Grayson continued to stare at the simple paper as if it would float away any second now. He picked his cold phone up and stared at the slightly cracked screen from when Ethan had thrown it across the room.

Should he call her?

No. He couldn't. He wouldn't dare to bring her down the food chain with him.

The highschool food chain.
The most powerful were up at the top, while the meek pray, like him, were trapped near the end.

Grayson wasn't a loser. He just wasn't exactly a winner either.

He didn't want the same for Amber.
So he took the paper in his rough hands, slid his fingers over her delicate writing one last time, and ripped it straight through the middle.

He continued. He ripped the 2 pieces, turning them to 4, then again, turning them to 8, then again, and so forth until the 8x11 sheet was nothing but the bits and pieces of the pretty girl's phone number.

Grayson sighed and threw the remains in his waste basket.
She has other boys to talk to. He thinks.

Grayson was wrong though. Amber sat quietly on her bed, awaiting a message from Grayson. She bit her lip, thinking of reasons of why he never called.

Maybe he didn't want to? She asked herself. Maybe he lost the paper...

The suspense killed her as thoughts flew through her head.

Meanwhile, Grayson finally walked out of his bedroom. The room he had been isolating himself in for the last while week. He felt the pads of his feet touch the cold floor, as he walked towards his twin brother, Ethan's room.
Taking a deep breath, he twisted Ethan's rooms doorknob before being welcomed with Ethan's booming voice.

"What the hell do you want man!" He exclaims, throwing a nearby pillow at Grayson.

Grayson sighs. "I just wanted to talk." He says, slowly.

Ethan takes a long look at Grayson before nodding him inside.

"What's going on with us?" Grayson asks, twiddling his fingers. "We used to be best friends... But now... we're just drifting... away.." he mumbles, pulling his fingers apart.

Ethan shrugs. Simply shrugs. "People change dude. Just like you did."

Grayson's eyebrows knit together in confusion. "I changed?"

Ethan nods in approval. "Yeah." He blankly says, turning his attention back to the laptop in his lap.


"Just leave." Ethan snarls, pointing to his doorway, his eyes not leaving the screen.

Grayson leaves, without a word.


In the very next street, Amber lays on her stomach on her bed, talking to her best friend Sydney, while kicking her legs, invested in the conversation.

"Do you think he didn't want to call?" Amber asks, silencing her voice.

Sydney scoffs at her best friend. "Since when were you, Amber Monroe worried about another guy?" She asks.

Amber nods to herself. It was true. She had never waited nor cared if another guy had called. Getting Amber's phone number in the first place was a blessing. Why would she ponder over something like this?

"I think you should forget about the dweeb." Sydney says.

Amber thinks to herself. Should she?

"Yeah.." Amber slowly says.. unconvinced.

Sydney yawns. "It's getting late. I should crash, see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah.. Goodnight." Amber mutters, hanging up.


Grayson stared at his ceiling thinking of today. Thinking of Amber.
Little did he know, she was thinking of him too.

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