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Amber's POV

"No no.... You gotta move the 2 there...." I say, kitting my eyebrows together in concentration.

Ethan nods slowly.

Over the past couple days, Ethan and I started to talk more. Grayson started to drift away.
I saw him less and less. Frankly, I thought of him less and less too.

Ethan mouths words to himself while trying to figure out the math equation in front of him. "I guess that makes sense...." he says quietly.

"Then that's it."

"That's it?"

"That's all of chapter review.." I smile. "You're done your homework."

Ethan blinks. "Woah... Time flies when you're having fun, eh?"

"You're doing math Ethan. I thought you hated math." I reply, unzipping my bag to grab my earbuds.

Ethan stays silent for a second. "I know.... I just meant....."

My eyes flicker to him. "You meant?"

"I meant.... Uh." Ethan stutters, taking his phone out of his pocket. "I think I've gotta go. My mom texted me." He covers.

"Oh, okay, I guess I should get going then... See you?" I wave.

Ethan nods his head bye.


I sigh deeply, walking deeper into my spot. I haven't been back here in a while.
As soon as I put my bag down, a hear leaves rustling.

"Amber?" Someone asks behind me.

Oh Grayson.

"Hey." I dully reply, taking a history assignment out of my bag.

"I haven't seen you for a while." He mumbles.

"I should say the same to you, Grayson."

"I'm sorry."

"For?" I ask, acting dumb.

"Avoiding you." He answers. I look at him. Anger bubbles in my chest.

"It's whatever."

Grayson nods and sits down beside me.

"How's Ethan?" He asks.


"You're hanging out with Ethan a lot."

"Well yeah..." I growl. "Because someone's been busy avoiding me like a n 8 year old!"

"I had a reason." He answers.

I scoff. "Ethan's been fine. Thank you. Now, if your done implying whatever it is you mean, I got to go. Goodbye Grayson." I spit, walking away.

Unbelievable. What was he trying to say? I mean, the way he said it? It was like he was trying to say I was jumping from one guy to another. He was the doofus who acted too good for me.

No one is too good for me. Im too good for everyone else.


Grayson's POV

She walks away angrily.

When Amber is angry, she walks quickly. Like speed walks. Her arms stiffly move side to side. She also stomps hard.

I don't know if she does it to make a point or if she genuinely doesn't know she's doing it. Sometimes you hear her mumble cuss words under her breath.

I sigh, defeated. I was right to throw her number away. She's not mine.

Anyways, she's gone now. Figuratively and literally.


As soon as I walk in, I hear Ethan laughing loudly. "Right! And I had no idea too!" He yells obnoxiously.

I roll my eyes and walk up the railings to my room.

"No no! Amber shut up!" He laughs.


I change my direction and walk towards his room, touching my ear to his door to hear better.

"No.... Okay.... Tomorrow, sound good?" He asks.

A date? Is he asking her out on a date?

My jaw clenched and hands tighten.

"Aight... Cool, see you. Bye." He says before hanging up and sighing.

I huff to myself and stomp into my room.

I can't let him. No way.


It's 3:00pm. Sharp.

I quietly hop out of bed and walk towards Ethan's room.

Taking a long breath, I twist his doorknob slowly, trying not to attract attention.

As soon as it opens, Ethan lays sprawled across his bed, snoring quietly, his phone on the bedside table beside him.

I tiptoe to his side, looking over at him every few moments to make sure he wasn't awake, pick up to phone and quietly get into my room.

I smile in accomplishment and unlock the phone. Facial recognition? Easy.

We're twins. We look the same.

I get in quickly and go to his contacts.

What the hell?

Alexa 💕
Babygirl 1🍑
Babygirl 2 ❤️
Brooke 💋

I scroll down under what seems like a thousand names of girls until I see this:

Amber 💓 💍

Woah. Really smooth.

I copy down her number and race to get his phone back.

Calling.... 416-382-82847

Amber's number rings and I bring my finger to my lips nervously.

"Hello?" She groggily answers after the 5th ring.

"Amber?...It's me. Grayson."

She stays quiet,trying to process what I just said. "Grayson? Why'd you...."

"Can we go to the library after school tomorrow?" I blurt, putting my hand to my mouth I'm embarrassment.

"Uh... I'm busy at 6 so until then.... I guess?"

So she's going out with him at 6? I just can't let her go.

"Okay. That's c-cool."

"Alright. Why'd you call me at... 3 in the morning?" She asks, yawning.

"Just wanted to know.... Wanted some company."

"Fair enough. I'll see you after school."


I smile in accomplishment. She is never going to go out with him. I won't allow it.

Different | Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now