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This chapter is dedicated to -dexter
Check the books out! Trust me, you'll love 'em

Ambers POV

"Ethan?" I call, knocking on the door in front of me.

He doesn't answer at first but after my second attempt and knocking, he opens it.

A look of relief crosses Ethan's features.

"You're here!" He breathes. "I was starting to think you stood me up...."

"No no!" I cut, raising my hands up to stop him. "No, I just got late, I'm so so sorry, Ethan."

He nods. "Well...." He slightly smiles. "Come in. I've got my textbooks on my desk. Just let me know if you need anything."

I slowly walk in, turning around as he shuts the door behind him. Grayson isn't in the hallway.

Ethan groans, covering his eyes.

"I hate this! I don't get it!" He exclaims. "I don't want to do it..." he mumbles like a child, fisting his hands.

"You don't have a choice, Ethan. Come on, what don't you get?" I ask, looking down at the stuff he has written down.

"You got it right?.." I ask, looking up in confusion after reading the question and his answer

"No, I mean I don't get why Emily has that much flour...." he mumbles, pursing his lips. He was talking about the textbook question.

I giggle. "She could be a baker." I suggest, resting my chin on my palm.

"Or a drug dealer..." Ethan deadpans.

"What the-"


"You think weird..."

"I am weird." Ethan replies, grinning.

"No kidding." I roll my eyes.

"You're just rude."

"I'm just telling it how it is." I shrug.

Ethan frowns.

"So..." He mumbles, moving his pencil from side to side on his middle and pointer finger. "Where were you?"

My eyes move down to my textbook. "I was out with someone..." I mumble, pretending to concentrate on a topic in the book.

He chuckles. "With my brother?"

My eyes flicker to him. "We just hung out.... I guess I lost track of time. I apologize." I say, biting my lip.

"Do you like him?" Ethan asks, doodling on his page.

I lightly flick him, warning him not to draw and to focus. "We're just friends."

He raises his eyebrows before returning his attention to his work. "You know, I'm kind of tired.... Maybe we can continue tomorrow?" He asks, sighing before closing his textbook with a loud thump.

"Oh..." I mutter, getting up. "Well I guess I should go home... Since there's really no-"

"No!" He says loudly, I'm guessing louder than he intended for it to be since he looks surprised himself. "No.... Just stay here.... We can watch a movie or something.... Plus it's dark. I don't want you to walk home alone, I'll drive you..." he says, but quiets down at the last sentence.

I nod. "I'll just text my parents...."


"Right, so I got Saw 1-7, Texas Chainsaw, Annabelle-" He suggests, pulling out DVD cassettes before I interrupt.

"Do you have any movies that aren't horror movies?" I ask, rubbing my arms to soothe myself.

"Why wou-...." He looks at me in confusion before stopping and busting out laughing. "You're scared!" He laughs, getting louder every passing second.

"Don't laugh...." I mumble, pulling my knees to my chest.

This makes him clutch his stomach in laughter. "Y-You're so s-sassy too! A-And you're s-scared?" He asks, out of breath.

""W-We'll, I'm sorry I don't enjoy seeing people getting murdered in cold blood!" I exclaim.

He snorts. "Chill, they aren't that bad." He says, pushing a CD into a player before jumping down on his bed beside me.

"You're crazy...." I mumble.

"And you're a scaredy cat.." he chuckles, putting his phone to charge with a wire on his bed stand.

My eyes widen as I watch a man get burned to death. It's absolutely gruesome.

"H-How do you watch t-this?" I squeak, slightly shaking.

He chuckles to himself. "It's a movie.."

"He's burning. It could be a real life situation!"

"No, it can't cause it's a fucking movie." He rolls his eyes. "I thought you were smart." He smiles, pushing my shoulder lightly.

"I'm not smart." I pout, crossing my arms.

He laughs for the billionth time. "Y'know, you were throwing attitude at me the other day. How is that same girl being modest?"

"She isn't." I reply, scooting over closer to him, growing more scared. "She just-" I stop, jumping up in horror.

Ethan stifles a laugh and puts his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his chest.

I open my mouth to object before deciding otherwise.

"You need to relax." He whispers, moving his eyes back to the television.

I do the same.

At first, I'm tense. Incredibly tense. My muscles tighten and I try not to make any sudden movements.

As the movie goes on though and we make more jokes, laughing at each other, I start to ease into his arms and lean into him.

My eyelids feel heavy after a while.
Maybe I'm tired, maybe it's how he smells.
Maybe it's the warmth radiating from his body.
Maybe it's just him.

Either way, I rest my head on his shoulder.

"You're not that bad, Amber." Ethan says.

"You're still an asshole, Ethan." I reply, yawning before I let the darkness consume me.

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