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Brooke's POV

I wake up with a yawn as my phone rings.

"Hello?" I quietly say, pushing my bed duvet off of me.

"Baby?" A deep voice calls back. It's Grayson.

A small smile grows on my face. Although I still am a little upset about what happened a couple days ago, I still feel all warm and fuzzy when he calls.


"Hey, princess. Open your door."

My eyes open wide. "W-What you're here?" I gasp, looking down at my clothes. I look like a bum. I have a baggy my chemical romance shirt on and shorts that you can barely see because of the length of the shirt.

Grayson chuckles. "Yeah...."

I don't answer but sprint to my dresser mirror. My hair looks like a birds nest and my shirt is all crumpled.

"Are you silently criticizing yourself in the mirror?" He asks. I can hear him smile.

"N-No...." I mumble, patting down my hair.

"Nonsense. Just come out. You always look beautiful...."

Hear rushes to my cheeks and I try holding back my smile even though he can't see it.

"Now hurry and get your ass down. I miss you."

I giggle softly and run down.

"Hi." He says, throwing me a head turning, heart stopping, boyish grin.

"Hi." I squeak, squeezing my hands nervously behind my back.

"Oh, Brooklyn?" My mother says behind me. "Who's that?" She asks, peering over through the door while putting on her watch for work.

"Oh...." I gulp. "That's...."

Grayson smiles slightly behind me. "My boyfriend." I say, cringing at my tone.

My mother walks towards us, squinting at Grayson.

"Grade average?" She asks him, eyeing him.

Grayson seems intimidated too. I see him shrink in her gaze. "90 average." He croaks.

"Criminal record?" She asks, looking behind him at her car.

"A s-speeding ticket... O-Once..." he stutters.

"How much over the speed limit?" She shoots back, giving him a hard stare down.

"20.... m-m"

My mom smiles warmly, cutting him off. "Very well..... Intentions?"

"I just really like your daughter... M'aam.... I think she's the most w-wonderful girl.... and I won't h-hurt her..." he shakes, Keelung his eyes down.

My mom nods approvingly. "Handsome boy." She whispers to me.

I look at her surprised. That's all it took?

"I trust your judgment." She tells me, looking over at my scared boyfriend. "But if he hurts you....."

I giggle.

"Have fun kids!" She chirps, turning around while fixing her collar.

Grayson seems like he can't even look at me straight anymore.

"Are you shaking Gray?" I laugh, bending down to see his face.

"N-No..." he defends, looking up.

I giggle and lean in to peck his lips. He just looks so cute right now. "Come inside. I'll just change."

Grayson hesitantly walks in, extending his hand which held a smoothie. "I uhhh... I got you this." He blushes. "Strawberry smoothie?"

Awwwwww. He remembered my favourite flavour. "Thank you." I whisper, kissing his cheek once-more before disappearing.


Today was a good day. I decided to wear something different. Something that wasn't just a hoodie covering my face.

I walk downstairs to see Grayson sitting quietly on my couch with his eyes down on the floor and hands in his lap

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I walk downstairs to see Grayson sitting quietly on my couch with his eyes down on the floor and hands in his lap.

"You're so tense." I giggle covering my mouth.

He looks up in alarm but softens when he sees it's me.

"Wow." He breathes, walking towards me. "You looks pretty." He gushes, looking at my outfit. "It's different."

"Good different?" I ask, taking a sip of my smoothie.

"Oh, amazing different." Grayson replies, slinging an arm around my waist. "You should wear this more often."

"I just feel confident today. I guess." I softly say, leaning into him.

Grayson opens my front door. "Good." He says, kissing my forehead.


"Hey." Amber giggles to us as we pass her in the hallways. Well, by giggle I mean the flirtatious evil giggle and wink that she threw at Grayson.

He didn't seem to care because he just bent down and kissed the top of my head. "You really looks beautiful, princess." He mumbled on the top in my head. "Stay confident. You have every reason to be."

I blush and cover my red cheeks with my sleeves.

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