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Brookes POV

I shake my head to the beat of 'Why won't they talk to me' By Tame Impala. (Up in media)

A couple moments in, I hear my phone ring. I scramble to it, hoping that it was Grayson. Its unknown.

"Hello?" I carefully mutter, clutching my bedsheets.

"Hey!" The other person chirps through the line.

My eyebrows furrow. "W-Who is this?"

"Oh! Silly me, Its Amber!"

My breath hitches and I hold back the urge to groan in frustration. "H-Hey...."

"Hello!" She says again, in a high, happy tone.

"W-Why are you... I-I mean.... You're c-calling me?... B-But w-why?" I shake, wiping my already sweaty hands on my tights.

"Oh! Okay so......" She giggles, scaring me a bit more. "I'm having a party tonight... I know we got off on the wrong foot. I just want to make amends...."

I nod, knowing she couldn't see.

"It would be awesome if you could come." She says sincerely. "I'm not forcing you. I'll text you my address but yeah..."

I smile slightly.

"You okay, babe?" Grayson asks, pulling me closer to his chest as teenagers scream with alcohol bottles and dance suggestively.

I called Grayson not too long after Amber did and told him everything. He was a little skeptical at first but I managed to convince him otherwise. It wasn't his first time but It was mine.

"I'm okay...." I say in a normal voice. Not sure if Grayson heard me. Faces turn to us, offering bottles. Grayson accepted one but I gently slapped his hand away.

"No!" I giggle, wagging my winger in his face.

He chuckles, pulling me in tighter as he plants a kiss at the top of my head.
Alison was invited but she had this wedding for a family member to go to which meant I had to stick with Grayson at all costs.

"Hey!" Amber squeals rubbing to us.

She had her hair tied up in a high ponytail and a short dress that went to her mid thighs. She pulled me in for a hug, giving those rich people air kisses on the sides of my face.

"I'm so happy you could come!" She gushes. "Drink?" She asks, handing me a red cup.

I shake my head and smile, squeezing Grayson's hand tighter.

"Anyways guys, we have a couple beer pong games going on and an open dance floor. Oh! And bar!" She giggle, wiggling her eyebrows.

Why's she being so nice today? All of a sudden?

Grayson pumps his fist in the air. "Can I go for beer pong?" He asks, looking down in my eyes.

I resist the urge to say yes and close my eyes. "Don't give me those eyes, Gray..." I squeak, covering my face.


"We're not supposed to drink. It's illegal and I don't want you getting hurt."

"Baby, nothing's gonna happen." He quietly says in my ear. "I love you."

"I love you too...." I mumble. I was looking around and I could see lights strung up on trees and the porch of her house. It was still pitch black outside and there were just so many people.

"But no, Grayson." I shake, finding it difficult to utter those few words. I take another deep breath. "No."

Grayson whines, begging me again.

"Grayson, take one sip of alcohol and I'm leaving." I say sternly, crossing my arms.

He looks down at me pursing his lips and we stare at each other for a good minute. He breaks into a small smile. "Fine." He sighs, squeezing my cheeks."Only cause I love you."

I grin happily in accomplishment, standing up on my toes to reach his lips.

Just as they were about to touch, someone pulls Grayson backwards.

He grunts at the sudden force. It's Amber.

"They're calling you!" She giggles, pulling his arm.

He hesitantly looks at me, switching his eyes between me and Amber.

But I don't answer. I'm too busy thinking. That's when it hits me. I'm at a goddamn party. Somewhere I would never go. Why am I here? Because I'm idiotic enough to believe that Amber actually likes me. No, she just wanted an excuse to get closer to Grayson again.

I blink rapidly, rubbing my forearm in an attempt to fool myself. They're gone. Oh my gosh, I must've given some type of subtle movement to make Grayson think he could go. He wouldn't drink though, would he?

"Grayson!" I yell over the music, hoping he was nearby and that he would hear me. Nothing, the music is too loud.

I can feel my anxiety coming up and I am suddenly filled with mixed negative emotion. It feels like my eardrum is on the verge of popping out of my head. I place my hands over my ears, trying to muffle the noise. People push and shove me trying to get through the wave of people around me and I realize i'm on a dance floor.

"Come 'ere" Someone mumbles, wrapping their arm around my waist. I scream, not loud enough though because I'm pulled into their chest. I push away, trying to get rid of that horrible smell. Gosh, this guy drowns himself in axe body spray.

"Stop!" I exclaim, trying to fight the guy.

"Oh, you're just a little tease aren 'ya?" He slurs, putting his hand on my chin, pulling my head to face his.

I can feel tears prickling my eyes and I yell again, taking a gasp of air.

Suddenly, he lets go and coughs, taking another swig of beer.

Breathing heavily, I let out a pained sigh, speed walking away. Everything was closing up on me.

I'm going home.

I text Grayson, and then call Alison, crying for her to pick me up.

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