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Brooke's POV

I laugh, covering my mouth to muffle the noise as Grayson retells what happened between him and Ethan yesterday.

He's gotten better. Grayson doesn't seem too upset when he sees Amber with Ethan. I mean, I could tell he liked her. The point is, he doesn't seem bothered.

Smiling, I drop my hand before someone knocks against my shoulder before spitting out a "Watch it!" I step back at the impact, looking around for the person. "Dude, really?" He exclaims, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "Hey, dont worry about them.." He whispers in my ear, walking with me to my locker.

Normally, this would've made me melt. I would have smiled from ear to ear. Not this time though. I caught a glimpse of my locker and what I saw was not good.

Mute was scribbled over my locker in permanent black marker.

A small gasp escaped my lips before I put my sleaved hands over my mouth.

I just froze. I couldn't move.

Grayson's eyebrows stitch together and his jaw clenches. He speeds up to my locker and tries wiping the marker off with his sleeve.

"It won't... It's p-permanent" I mumble.

He turns back to me with an apologetic look on his face. "We'll get rid of it.... Brooklyn, don't listen to-" he stops midway and I twist use my combination and grab my books.

"I don't care anymore." I croak, walking away to my first class. "They can say w-what they want I-I'm not a mute..." I stutter, feeling a single tear roll down my cheek.

"Hey...." he calls behind me. When I ignore him, he repeats it before standing up in front of me.

"Don't cry...." he gently tells me, resting his hands on both sides of my face. His thumb slides across my cheek, wiping my tears. "Please don't cry."

I sniff, avoiding eye contact. This was embarrassing.

"You're not a mute, Brooklyn...." He says, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into his chest for a hug.

I take in a deep breath, inhaling his scent before letting out a quiet sob.

We stay like that for a minute until our lunch bell rings and students flood the hallways.

"You should go for lunch..." I croak, wiping my tears with the back of my hand.

"I'm not leaving you... C'mon, we can go sit in the cafeteria together..."

I nod.

Grayson extends his hand and I stare at it, not sure what to do.

He lets out a chuckle before his hand goes down to my hand and his fingers interlock with mine, leading me there.

I feel cold but my cheeks burn because of a blush.


We both eat side by side quietly until I hear someone approach us.

"Grayson..." A deep voice says. Almost like Grayson's but not as deep.

Ethan. I know it's him so I don't turn to acknowledge him.

Grayson seems to turn around though.

"Can I talk to you?"

Grayson sighs. "I'll be back okay?" He quietly says, gently rubbing my shoulder.

Grayson's POV

"What?" I scowl, looking back to make sure Brooke was okay.

"Who's that?" Ethan smirks, crossing his arms.

"A girl. No, I'm not telling you shit about her because every time I do, you somehow take the girl and... mess her up!"

"Like Amber?" Ethan asks, raising an eyebrow.

I frown, rolling my eyes.

"I was gonna actually ask if you two wanted to sit with us."

"No thank you..." I reply, staring him down hard. "We're fine."

Brooke's POV

Grayson walks back surprisingly quickly. "Sorry bout that... He was being a prick..." Grayson says, taking a seat.

I shake my head as if saying "don't worry about it." And go back to eating.

Grayson stops chewing his sandwich for a second before he digs into his bag and pulls out a notebook and pencil.

I smile, recognizing it.

He flips to the page right after our first and slides the book to me, looking at me expectantly.

I bite the inside of my cheek, drawing a smiley face. Then I slide it back to him.

He draws a dinosaur.
I draw a moth.
He draws a basketball.
I draw... Or start to draw a lacrosse stick before a group of kids surround our table, taking seats anywhere.


One sits in the middle of Grayson and me. Another 3 squish themselves between me and the edge of the table bench. A bunch of them sit in the opposite side too. The two I know are Ethan and Amber.

Feeling uncomfortable in front of all the people and being so close to them, I quietly lift my hood up and pull my sleeves to my fingertips.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Grayson roars, making me jump.

Ethan looks calm as he wraps an arm around Amber's shoulder, then kisses her cheek. "Sitting down to eat lunch with my brother..."

"I didn't want you here, Ethan."

"I thought I should come anyways." He shrugs. "Besides, my friends wanted to meet you..."

Grayson sighs, frustrated. "I'm Grayson. Cool? Now go!"

"Little brother, I'm not doing anything wrong here."

"Just go man..." He starts before his voice starts to fade. Soon I just don't notice him talking.

My hands start to shake as I notice how close everyone is. Girls look at me every 2 seconds and whisper to their bimbo friends. Do I say something? No, then I'll stutter and sound like I have a speech impediment. So I say nothing? No, then I'll be the mute and-

The bell rings and throws me out of my thoughts. Lunch is over.

Some kids groan, not excited to be going back to class. Everyone gets up and out of their seat.

"Brooklyn..." someone says, shaking me awake.


"Are you okay?" Grayson asks.

"Yeah.... Just.... T-The P-People..."

"I know, it gets intimidating..." He replies, lacing our fingers together.

"You'll be okay in class?"

A blush spreads to my cheeks again and I keep my head down, nodding.

"Well, I'll walk you to class..."

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