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Brooke's POV

Me and Gray wouldn't stop talking on the ride home. I mean, most of what he were blabbering about consisted of Disney, food and today. Either way, I was so happy about it.

He pulls up into my driveway and smiles at me, falling back into his seat.

"Brooklyn, does today counts as a date by any chance?" He asks, playing with his fingers like I play with mine.

"I guess so...." I softly reply, looking up at his beautiful face (that was created by god himself)

"Then.....Willyoubemygirlfriend?" He asks, quickly spitting out the last part to the point where I couldn't even comprehend what he was saying.

I tilt my head in confusion. "Sorry?"

"W-Will you b-be my g-girlfriend?" He stutters, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Awwwww..." I giggle, reaching over to hold onto his hand. "Oh course I will, silly."

Grayson looks up in relief and seems to relax. "Oh thank god" he breathes, looking at me with smiling eyes.

"I like you." He repeats for the billionth time.

I wasn't complaining. What I was doing, was leaning in, staring at his lips.

"I like you too." I whisper, pressing mine to his.

We finally pull away breathless. "I'll see you tomorrow?" Grayson asks, pressing a button to unlock the doors of his car.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Gray." I repeat in assurance, softly rubbing his hand.

Ducking down and then hoping out, I smile, trying my best not to jump in happiness.

Just as I open my front door, I hear the honk of Grayson's car sound. I turn around and see him pushing his car door shut and sprinting towards me.

"Grayson?" I nervously croak. Maybe he's having second thoughts.

"I really, really like you." He huffs, holding onto my face with both of his hands and kissing the tip of my nose. "A lot. Now, I should probably go. I'll see your pretty face tomorrow and text you at home." He says broadly before sprinting back, waving a driving away.

All the while, I stood in my driveway, staring at his car as it drove away.

Today was a goddamn good day.


My eyes flutter open the next morning by the sound of notifications going off. I groan, rubbing my eyes and patting the bed around me for my phone.

Pressing the on button, I squint my eyes as the light practically blinds me but I blush when I notice the text messages are from Grayson.


that last one makes me giggle. That's definitely my Grayson.

Smiling, I press the FaceTime button. Grayson immediately answers.

"Hey princess!" He chirps, eyes flickering between his phone screen that was showing a display of me and something infront of him.

"Gray, are you driving?" I ask, rubbing my eyes.

"Yep. Just getting you breakfast. I'll be over at your place in 20 minutes." He says.

"Oh my gosh Grayson!" I exclaim.

"Wow, I didn't know you liked breakfast that much..." He says, smiling slightly.

"No, silly! Grayson, don't drive and talk. That's not safe!" I groan. "Babe, it's sweet, really, but please don't do that...."

Grayson's eyes leave the road and land on his screen to mine in surprise. "You called me babe...."

My cheeks burn and I look down embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry." I stutter. I didn't even know I did.

"No no! He covers. "I like it. I promise I'll be safe. I'll get your breakfast okay, princess? See you soon!"

"Bye, Gray..." I blush, tucking a piece of hair behind me ear. He winks and ends the call.


I walk downstairs to see a note taped up on my fridge.

Going to be at work late. Not coming till late. Leftovers in the fridge or go out and eat.

We love you,
Mom and dad

I sigh, grabbing my textbooks from my dining table, waiting for Grayson to come.

I get a call and see it's from Ethan.


"Hey, Brooke. It's me. Just wondering if you wanted to come over today to work on our assignment." He says over the phone.

"I'm good with that."

"By the way, congrats."


I can hear Ethan smirking through the phone. "I heard about you and Gray. He spilled to the guys..." Ethan chuckles. "He was gushing, Brooke."

I giggle softly.

"Anyways, see you soon."


Then I hear the doorbell ring. Right on cue.

"Hey Grayson." I smile, leaning my head against the door frame.

"Hi beautiful." He grins, kissing my forehead.

I cover my face with my long sleeves in embarrassment, trying to hide my tomato face.

Grayson chuckles, gently moving my hands down. "You look really pretty, Brooklyn. Don't cover your face."

I gulp. "Okay."

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