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Someone groans.

Curious, I walk towards the cries of pain, dropping my books in my spot beside the rocks.

He senses my presence and whips his head around. The second he sees me, his eyes widen and he scowls.
"Are you gonna call your little 'friends' now? Or do you wanna finish it on your own?" He spits.

"No no!" I stutter, keeping my hands up in defense. "It's not like that! I just... I wanted to help..."

He shakes his head. "I don't need your help. You've done enough." Grayson growls before examining his bruised forearm.

I bite my bottom lip, scanning his body. A sigh escapes my mouth and I walk towards him and bend down to his level on the grass.

"I insist," I say, trying to sound as sincere as possible. "Plus you're in my spot." I grin, trying to earn a laugh.

He slightly turns his head. "I didn't know you could trademark a part of school property." He deadpans.

"N-no I didn't mean it like that of course... I just..." I remark, fidgeting with my fingers before dropping them in my lap. "Gosh, can you let me help you? You're hurt bad..."

He gives an angry sigh and gets his arm to hover over my hands. "Happy?"

"Y'know...." I say while examining his hand. "You're awfully rude."

He gives a sarcastic smile before returning to his last look. "Gee, I wonder why."

"How did this happen?" I ask, looking at his arm. "It's all bruised and swollen... An arm couldn't have gotten this bad unless it was slammed against...." I trail off.

"My locker." He finishes, shrugging.

I let out a gasp. "Grayson! This isn't...." I exhale angrily before examining his face. He has a small cut through his eyebrow, a little bruise on his cheek and his knuckles are blue and purple.

"Done yet?" He asks, following my gaze at his knuckles.

"Hold on..." I say, getting up on my feet. "I have some gauge in my bag. Wait right here." I tell him, making sure to sound assertive at the last part.


I bring everything in my arms and he's still waiting, playing with a blade of grass.

Getting back down and crossing my knees, I ring out my hand, signaling to give me his. He obeys and I start to wrap the soft gauge around his knuckles.

Surprisingly, he has warm hands.


"Alright..." I murmur, dusting off my tights. He seems to have trouble getting up so I offer him my hand.

He ignores it, making me roll my eyes. Fine. Be that way.

I bitterly grab my books and bag and stomp over to my spot against my rocks. My rocks.
Finally, I feel a little better, so I bring out my favorite Batman comic book.

After about 5 minutes of silence, I hear the rustling of leaves and feel the presence of an asshole.

"Hey..." A deep voice announces. Grayson.

An awkward silence ensues.

"Hi." I finally muttered, raising my eyes to focus on him.

"Nice spot you've got here..."

I nod. " I know."

"Mind if I finish some work here?" He asks. Wow, is sassy pants asking for my permission?

I nod and point to the rock beside me, then focus on my comic again. I can tell my silence is bothering him and puts a small smile on my face.

Grayson shifts uncomfortably. "T-Thanks...." He mumbles, turning his head to see my reaction.

"No worries..." I reply, sending him a small smile. "I guess I know why you were....."

"On my period?" He chuckles, finally showing joy. "Yeah, it's that time of the month." He says, making me laugh and close my comic book.

Grayson tilts his head to read the title. "The killing joke? Woah you read Batman?" He asks, shocked.

I raise an eyebrow playfully " Why? Can girls not read Batman?" I tease.

He shakes his head and throws me a boyish grin. "I mean, I've just never met a girl with a Batman comic in her hand... not by choice at least." He confesses.

"I've never met a guy with a huge ketchup stain on his shirt, knowingly either..." I giggle. His eyes widen and h quickly looks down at his hoodie. "H-Hey, I dont have-"

"I know!" I laugh. "I was messing with you." I smile. He tries to hold his grin back but fails to do so.

You're not too bad Grayson Dolan. Not too bad at all.

We actually end up talking about the stupidest stuff and finish or homework on the spot. Grayson has a disorder which makes it harder for him to read, but regardless, he's pretty smart.

I wonder why people pick on him...

A phone chimes, interrupting Grayson's story about his twin brother, Ethan. His twin is actually one of the popular jocks. Not an asshole from what I know, we just rarely talk.

"Yeah? Okay... I'm at school..No.. I'm not in trouble. Just me and... My friend. Sure."


Grayson hangs up. "Sorry, It was my brother. He needed help on calculus. I guess I should get going." He tells me, getting up.

"Oh, okay, I guess I should too...." I state, slinging my bag over one shoulder.

"You're not a bitch Amber. It's cool." Grayson tells me.

I look at him confused. "Thanks? You're not a dick either."

"No, I mean I guess I just assumed since... You know... Your friends..." He mumbles, looking at his hand.

"Oh... Yeah, that..." I answer. "Sorry about them... I should've stopped them sooner..."

"Nah, It's okay. I deserve it." He shrugs.

"Deserve it?"

But Grayson never heard, he was on his way home.

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