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Brooke's POV

Grayson chuckles lightly at Ethan's friend, Matt's comment.

I stay quiet and lean into Grayson. He seems to sense my nervousness because he pulls me in closer.

The doorbell rings and Ethan runs to answer. "It's Amber!" He exclaims, making the boys and I chuckle.

I hear the door open and him excitedly yell "Hey baby! I missed you!". I don't hear a reply from her but about 20 seconds later, she shows up in the living room.

As soon as her eyes land on me, a scowl grows. "What's she doing here?"

"I called her." Grayson intervened, smiling innocently. "Problem?"

Amber scoffs, making Ethan raise an eyebrow. "Of course. She's not one of us."

"Neither am I." Grayson replies. "If you want me gone then-"

"No you, Grayson." Amber whines. "I meant her." She points at me rudely.

I can already feel my chest heaving and my muscles tense. Again. As always, I pull my sleeves to my fingertips.

"I-I should go...." I mumble, getting up.

"No!" Grayson bolts back, holding onto my wrist making me flinch in pain.

"No really, it's late." I blankly reply, walking towards me stuff.

I hear Grayson run after me. "Are you sure?" He asks with apologizing eyes.

"I'm sure." I weakly smile. "I'll just...."

Wait how do I get home?

"I'll drive." Grayson tells me, grabbing a set of keys.

"But your.... Friends.."

"They aren't my friends, Brooke. You are. C'mon now."


Grayson's POV

"Thanks, Gray." Brooke smiles gratefully. I grin back at the nickname.

"Gray?" I repeat with a mischievous smile.

Her cheeks turn red. "Is it bad? I'm sorry-"

"No... I like it."


"See you later, Brooklyn."

"Same to you, Gray"


As soon as I step into my house, I'm greeted by Amber.

"Hey Grayson." She says, leaning against a wall.


"What happened to us?" She asks, sighing.

"Nothing. You just started dating Ethan

"I mean before that." She hisses. "After stupid Brooke."

My eyes meet her in surprise. "Don't call her that, Amber. I watched you fall her a mute last time..." I say, walking past her. "Never again."


Brooke's POV

"Sleep well?" Grayson grins, waiting for me the next day in front of my locker.

Amused, I smile a little. "Yes.... You?"

"Oh, amazing." He replies, throwing me a boyish smile.

"Someone's in a good mood." I giggle, locking my door.

"Yeah, it was a good night. I think me and Ethan are good now. Plus, his friends seem to like me." Grayson rants. "And, you were there." He adds, making me bow my head and blush.

"Yo, G.... We're headed for the mall for lunch later. You wanna join?" Cameron suddenly asks, unlocking his phone.

Grayson smiled from ear to ear. "Y-Yeah! And-" he stops, looking down at me. "You wanna come?" He asks softly.

I didn't want to let Grayson down. He seems so happy now. I nod.

Grayson laughs happily. "We'll both go." He beams, making Cameron nod.

"See ya, dude. And Brooke."

Wow. They're talking to me too.

Wait. I don't have cash on me. "Wait Gray... I can't come, I don't have any money right now." I tell him, looking though my bag. "I'm so sorry. I'll just eat here.

Grayson rolls his eyes playfully. "I'm paying, Brooklyn. Even if you had money, no way would I let you pay" he explains, clicking his tongue.

"No way..." I interject. "I'm not letting you pay for me...."

Grayson smiles. "Well I'm not letting you starve."

"Grayson." I breathe, narrowing my eyes.

"Brooklyn." He replies, mockingly.

I groan. "I'll pay you back."

"No you won't."

"Fight me." I shoot back.

"Oh you'd pummel me." Grayson chuckles.

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