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Brooke's POV

*Next day at school*

It wasn't awful being alone. I didn't mind. Mostly, this was because I was trying to avoid Grayson.

I dunno.

He didn't deny what Amber said about me being mute. I mean I guess it's true. I don't talk so I guess it's normal for people to assume.But I was only trying to help.

I let out a deep sigh and pull the sleeves of my sweater up to my palms.
Through the whole day, I got to class early to avoid seeing him and kept most of my notebooks in my bag with me to prevent me from going back to my locker.

The only class I was going to see him inevitably in, was science.

I arrived to the door early, taking a seat in the back of the classroom, keeping my head down and my eyes on my lap.

After what seems like hours, my teacher finally starts the lesson.

Hesitantly and slowly, I look up, carefully scanning the room for the back of Grayson's head.

I don't see him at first, but then I notice a head tilted back on my left hand side.


Grayson's head is slightly turned and his eyes are on me.

Alarmed, I look back down at my hands.

Did he see me? I hope not.
He probably saw me.

"Brooke?" Someone calls from the front of the classroom.

I quickly look up to see the teacher waving at me with her hands on her hips. "Pay attention please." She says sternly before continuing to her lesson.

My cheeks turn red and I bite the inside of my lip to prevent myself from tearing up.

"Yo mute!" Someone whispers beside me, chuckling at their own joke like it's he funniest thing in the world.

I ignore the comment and write notes down, trying my hardest not to give the person attention. That's what they want, isn't it?

I hear a second pair of chuckles and someone whisper "is she deaf too?". I roll my eyes and look over to Grayson.

He's writing notes down too. As he writes, his younger sticks out of his lips in concentration and a lock of hair falls in his face.

I feel something hard hit my neck and my hand flies to the spot, looking around for what caused the sudden contact. An eraser?

Two boys, both wearing varsity jackets laugh quietly and whisper something to each other. Feeling anxious now, I turn my head purse my lips together. Again, trying not to cry.

This is gonna be a long class.

"Class dismissed..." My teacher mumbles, distracted. Thats my que. I quickly get out of my seat hold my books to my chest and rush out of the classroom.

"Brooklyn!" Someone calls after me. I recognize the voice. But I don't stop for it. Instead, I walk faster. Footsteps start to sound more louder behind me and I realize he's catching up.

Where do I go? My eyes land on a bathroom infront of me and I speed walk in just as he yells my name again.

Thankfully, no ones in the bathroom.

Resting the back of my head against the bathroom door, I slide down, shutting my eyes as tight as I possibly could.

Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry

After taking a long breath, I brush my hair out of my face with my fingers and get back up. I'll be okay.

One hand is on the cool doorknob on the inside of the washroom as the other one slips the hood of my sweatshirt up.

Hesitantly, I turn the knob.

Grayson stands in front of the door, a sad look on his face. "Brooke?"

"Grayson..." I mutter, pushing past him and avoiding eye contact.

"I'm sorry." he whispers, holding me back by my foreharm.

Licking my lips, I turn around. "Am I a mute?" I ask, looking him in the eyes for once.

Grayson looks puzzled. "What? Wh- No..... Of course not! Why're you asking?"

"You never defended me" I breathe, looking up at him sadly.

A pained expression crosses his features and I feel my heart ache for him. "I didn't.... Brooke, you aren't...." His hands run through his hair. "I'm so sorry.." he says quietly, looking at me pleadingly.

"And then y-you told me to g-go..." I stammer, feeling myself shrink. "T-Thats not what f-friends do, Grayson..." I say faintly.

And then I'm gone. Leaving him behind me, not moving a muscle.


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