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Brooke's POV

I slump on my chair with my head in my hand, listening to my history teacher, Mr.Jefferson talk more about the Civil Rights Laws and Protests.

"So class, instead of a final test, I've decided on a final inquiry project. Both you and a partner I will assign will need to complete it by the 27th.." he explains, writing the date on the call board behind him.

He turns again and pick his clipboard, reading out names.

"Maribeth, David...." He first says. I hear a girl click her tongue in annoyance.

"Ethan, Brooklyn..." He says.

My eyes widen and I turn behind me to the seat in the back of the classroom where Ethan sits.

His legs are propped up against his desk and his attention is on his phone, telling me he didn't just hear that.

Mr.Jefferson calls the last name before our bell rings and we're dismissed.

Quickly tucking my chair into my desk, I speed walk out of the classroom before Ethan's had a chance to hear the news.

As I approach my locker, I see Grayson standing beside it with a huge smile on his face.

Well, his smile was pretty contagious so I ended up smiling like an idiot too.

"W-What happened?" I ask, opening the door of my locker to place my books inside.

"I got an A on my history project all thanks to you!" He singsongs, bringing a white paper with an A plastered on it to his chest. "How was history?"

"Well, I got paired up with Ethan..." I reply, cringing slightly.

Grayson groans, looking up at the ceiling. "The best partner in class, eh?" He asks, sarcastically.

I smile. But that smile changes as Ethan approaches us AGAIN.

"So, partner...." He devilishly smirks, leaning up against the locker beside mine.

"Eth, don't be a jerk." Grayson snarls.

"I'm not." He whines, putting his hands up in defence. "My house after school? We can work on it..."

I don't respond, as I feel my muscles tense up. "I-I.... I mean...."

"Brooklyn, I'll be in the same room. You'll be okay." Grayson tells me, slinging an arm around my shoulder and giving Ethan a glare.

"Fair enough." Ethan nods, giving me a small wink before walking to his friends.

Grayson's jaw is clenched again and eyes are narrowed. "Assclown." He growled.

I take a long sigh. "You're not going to leave me alone with him right?" I ask once more.

"Nope. I'll be there with you..." He says, crowing his heart with his left pointer finger.


"Welcome to my humble abode" Grayson grins, lifting his arms into the air. I giggle, hugging my arms to my upper body.

"Anyways, Ethan's probably upstairs. I'll lead you there..." he tells me, walking up in front of me.

He then stops and look back at me. "Give me your bag."


"I won't tell you till you give it..." He deadpans.

I gulp and hand it to him. He slings it around his shoulder. "Just wanted to hold it for you. It seemed heavy. I mean it IS heavy." He says casually



"I'm gonna go get a snack..." Grayson yawned against my shoulder. "You want anything Brooke?" He asks, leaning off the bed all three of us were on.

"I'm okay, thank you." I politely reply, giving a small smile.

Grayson's cheeks tint into a light shade of pink before he walks to the door.

"You didn't ask me!" Ethan exclaims.

"I know." Grayson throws back, leaving.


It's been about 20 minutes and he still isn't back.

"I think I should go check on Grayson..." I say, putting down my pencil. "We've done quiet a bit of work anyways. Maybe tomorrow?"

Ethan nods. "You know Brooke...." He starts, looking down at the papers on his bed. "You're pretty smart."

"Thanks, Ethan." I smile, walking out and downstairs.

I walk down and start to heat laughs from the living room.

I walk in and see Grayson laughing with a bunch of Ethan's friends as if they were best friends.

"Oh guys!" Ethan laughs behind me. "You guys came!"

Grayson's eyes also land on mine. "Oh hey! Brooklyn, come here!" He says, excitedly.

Slowly and carefully, I walk to his extended hand. "This is Matt, Cameron, Taylor and Jack!" He intrudes them. Each one gives me a polite smile.

Ethan sits down beside them with a bowl of popcorn. "We're just about to watch Annabelle. You wanna join?" Ethan offers.

I hide my shaking hands behind my back and swallow. "Uh..."

"Pleeeease???" Grayson begs, patting the empty spot on the sofa beside him.

I nod slowly, keeping my eyes down.

"You'll be okay. I promise." Grayson whispers in my ear. "Popcorn?" He offers, resting a popcorn bowl in my lap.

I nod my head and smile slightly, resting against the sofa.

"If you get scared, I'm right here" Grayson tells me, rubbing my arm and flexing his arm.

"Oh, I'm not scared. I don't mind horror movies." I reply, grinning.

Grayson's cheeks turn bright red. "I-Oh, I-I...."

I giggle and slide over closer to him.

Then, I decide to say something daring. Something I would never say.
I inhale. "But, I wouldn't mind this either." I quietly say, getting comfortable.

This time, Grayson seems tense. He slowly eases in and wraps his arms around me to which i respond by resting my head on his chest.

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