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Grayson's POV

I sit on a comfy chair near the entrance of the library, making sure not to miss Amber. My leg bounces up and down in anxiety.

After about 5 minutes of waiting, she comes.

Her hair is tied up in a messy bun. Her glasses lay on the bridge of her nose and her bag is over her right shoulde

 Her glasses lay on the bridge of her nose and her bag is over her right shoulde

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Amber smiled warmly at me, walking over.

"Hey. I'm sorry, have you been waiting here long?" She asks, taking a seat beside me.

"No no... I just came." I reply. "So... I thought y-you were mad at me.... Didn't think you'd wanna come."

Her lips pull up playfully. "I was.... But I decided to put the past behind me."

Oh thank god.

"On one condition...." She continues.


"No more avoiding. Or ignoring. If we're friends, we're friends. Deal?"

Oh my gosh, I thought it was gonna be worse.

I nod. "Deal."

"Also..." She says, as if remembering something. "I gotta go at 5. I have something to get to."

So that's the time of the date.

I nod.

Ethan can suck it cause I just stole his girl.

Amber's POV

"-and that is the story of how I almost got stabbed with a plastic fork." Grayson finished, grinning.

I blink rapidly before bursting into a fit of giggles.

Grayson laughs with me. After a while, it isn't even funny. We're just laughing at each other like madmen.

The librarian shushes us, making everyone in the library turn to see what we were doing.

I hold back my laugh and bite the inside of my cheek. "Tell me more!" I whisper, scooting over to him.

"So, I asked my mom how she met my dad. She said at a college football game, a guy got distracted and got hit by a ball. He had a bloody nose and came up to her after the game and said 'hey I got distracted by you.' With like, blood all over his jersey." Grayson started.

I nod slowly, urging him to continue.

"So, then I asked my dad. He said 'my friend told me he'd give me 10 bucks if I asked a girl out with my broken nose and she said yes." Grayson chuckles, closing his book.

I put my hands up to my mouth. "Oh my god!" I laugh, trying to stifle my outburst.

I fail.

This time, the librarian gets up and hushes us louder. "This is a library. Either stay and respect the rules or leave!" She hisses.

I hide my smile and pick my bag up. Grayson smirks and we quickly get out.

"You got me into trouble, dumbass!" I giggle, playfully shoving him.

He grins. "Woah woah, I did too. You laugh really loud, Amber."

"Well, I happen to find your parents romance very funny." I answer in a matter of fact.

Grayson chuckles. "Here, I just gotta pick something up at the mall, you okay with that?" He asks, grabbing a slip of paper out of his bag.

I nod and we head there.


Grayson's POV

Amber giggles at my comment, taking a sip out of her Starbucks drink.

"What even is that?" I ask, scrunching up my face. The drink is a pale colour with some sort of drizzle or caramel and.... Pink?

She laughs. "Oh my gosh, just try it, you'll love it." She laughs, extending her cup.

Wait. Same straw? Just...

I look up at her slowly and take a sip before coughing.

"Gosh is that raspberry? And Caramel?" I ask, coughing a little more.

Amber laughs out loud. "I mix the weirdest stuff together. It tastes so good though." She says, taking another long sip.

I shake my head at the smiling girl.

We continue to walk together until her eyes widen. "Bunnies!" She exclaims, running over to a glass cage out on display in adjacent to a pet store.

As she runs, I take a quick peak at my phone's lock screen.

It's 6:29. Almost an hour and a half past 5.

I smile to myself and happily stroll over to her.

She stares longingly at the fluffy animal, who's eyes stay fixated on the food in front of it.

"Grayson..." she whispers.

I gulp. "Y-Yeah?"

"You look like a bunny."

I look down at her, confused. "What?"

"You look like a bunny." She repeats.

"I know, I mean what made you... or got you to make that conclusion." I ask, amused.

She smiles. "You have big ears."

I raise my eyebrows. "Oh well then, me and my big ears should get going."  I say, jokingly walking away.

At first I hear nothing, but then I hear quick footsteps behind me.

"Grayson!" She exclaims behind me, trying to catch up.

I ignore her, smiling.

"Graysooooooon!" She stretches, holding on to my forearm to keep me from walking farther away.

"Well I'm sorry my ears were bothering you." I chuckle.

She shakes her head. "They-" she stops, as if realizing something.

"Oh my gosh..." she mutters under her breath, grabbing her phone.

She utters a string of profanities. "It's past 5..... Grayson, I-I gotta go. I'm late."

"Stay here. What do you need to go for?" I ask, tilting my head to the side.

"Ethan.... I just.... We needed to meet up..." Amber admits, opening her text messages.

"For a date?"

Amber stops what she's doing and looks up at me before bursting into laughter .

"A date?" She exclaims. "With Ethan?No, No...."


"He needed help with math! I just meet up with him to help him! You're funny Grayson!" She giggles. "I should go though...."

"Well, I'm going home anyways, you can come with me...." I suggest, twiddling my fingers.

Amber smiles.

"I'd like that."

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