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Brooke's POV

Amber's friend, Lydia laughs at me as I bend down to pick my binders up. The laughing grows louder as some more voices join in.

Then behind me, I hear someone bend down to and I hear the rustle of papers.

"You okay?" A girl asks, handing me my books while giving the other girls a venomous look.

I nod, looking away.

"They're really mean aren't they?" She asks, slinging her down bag over her shoulder.

I nod again, smiling slightly. "So, I-I haven't s-seen you around here b-before. Are you n-new?" I ask quietly.

The girl laughs. (IMAGINE SHAY MITCHELL). "Yeah... I'm Allison. But you can call me Ali." HAHAHAHA PLLLLLLLLL

I smile politely. This is the first girl who's actually been remotely polite. "I'm Brooklyn. But you can call me Brooke. What's y-your first class?"

"History." She groans. "Gosh, I hate history."

I laugh bashfully in agreement. "Me too! It's actually my next class too... I'll show you to it."

Ali sighs in relief. "Thank god. At least I'll have one familiar face in there."


The last bell of the day rings and me and Ali walk out together.

She's actually so sweet. We got to learn a lot about each other.

"Hey baby." Grayson says from behind me, kissing my neck softly.

"Hi Gray." I giggle, turning towards Ali.

"This is Alison. My.... Friend... And Alison, this is Grayson, my boyfriend." I say, introducing them.

Grayson nods to her. "I see someone's taken my spot."

We both laugh. "You're still my best friend baby." I smile, kissing his lips.

Ali groans playfully. "I know I've just met you Grayson, but me and Brooke have some catching up to do. Snog her another time." Ali grins, looking over at me for support.

Grayson looks at her with wide eyes. "I'm hurt." He pouts, putting his hand to his heart.

"Sorry, Handsome." I giggle, kissing him one more time. "I'll see you later though?"

"Good. I better see you later." He chuckles, wrapping his hands around my waist.

Ali chokes playfully.

"I'll be with Ethan." Grayson says, ignoring Ali. "Be safe. And text me when you're home."

I nod, smiling and blushing.

Grayson let's go, running his hand through my hair and sticking his tongue out at Alison playfully.


*At the mall*

Alison continues to talk about her old school and the people there. I listen, taking a sip of my drink and stuffing another chicken nugget in my mouth.

Her school actually wasn't that bad. It was pretty similar to this one, with a cool kids group, filled with Evil demons like Amber. The teachers seemed nice except for that one pervert guy she had for a math teacher.

"But I like this school so far. I've already made a friend." Ali chirps.

I smile happily. "I've never had a friend who was a girl for a while. Its such a breath of fresh air." I admit.

Ali wipes a fake tear from her eye. "I'm so flattered. Awww you're the best."

I giggle. "I mean you're pretty flat already".

Ali gasps, blunting rapidly while giggling. "I'll throw my drink on you. I won't hesitate, bitch."

For some reason, we both start laughing furiously. It wasn't that funny but for some reason it just seemed hilarious.

"You're fuckin' awesome." Alison says, throwing a crumpled up tissue paper ball at me.

"You too, Ali." I reply, throwing the same ball at her head, feeling myself open up. I've actually opened up to her almost as fast as I did to Grayson.

I stop my thoughts as i hear a familiar voice. My favourite voice. Grayson.

"Oh hello girls." Ethan weirdly says, he voice cracking in an attempt to sound excited.

"What a coincidence." Grayson says behind him, snorting a little as he tried to hold back a laugh.

Alison groans, rolling her eyes in a teasing manner. "Just couldn't get enough of us, could ya?" She giggles.

Ethan laughs back, staring at her. "Alison? Right?" He asks pointing at her.

A slight blush covers her cheeks as she nods. For the first time, that bold. Eccentric Alison looked like a shy kindergartener.

"Huh...." I say, pretending to think to myself out loud. "A coincidence indeed."

Alison coughs with a smile. "We should probably go...." she starts, getting up off of her seat. "....bye" she squealed, speed walking away

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