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Brooke's POV

All I know is that Amber left.

I gasp for air, trying to focus on my breathing while patting the floor around me for my tube and my cannula. My fingers finally touch the smooth metal cannula but my vision starts to get blurry.

How does no one know I'm here?

"Grayson!" I cry as loud as physically possible, trying to make sound for him to come.

I hear a door click open and footsteps approaching me.

"Baby!" Someone breathes, before I feel a hand fest on my lower back.

"Air..." I gulp, patting the floor again before I feel my nubs touch my skin again. Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes.

It feels like I haven't taken a breath of fresh air in forever.

"Fuck..." Grayson whispers, leaning his head against mine quietly. "Y-You scared me...."

I don't answer, but take another breath, focusing on my lungs.

"A-Amber did this?" He asks, helping me up.

I rub my collarbone, nodding, not in the mood to talk.

We slowly talk out of the girls restroom, getting some dirty looks.

"S-She.... T-This is my fault...."

I tilt my head, looking over into Grayson's eyes.

"S-She was just.... R-Really close... A-And I didn't l-like it s-so I just...." he stutters, looking down ashamed.

The only person who seems more shaken is him.

"Don't apologize." I quietly say, coughing a little. "I-I'm happy you did."

Grayson stays quiet and looks up into the sky.


*Several Months Later*

"Congratulations class of 2017-2018!" The announcements blare.

I scream in excitement, wrapping my arms around Grayson's neck as he twirls me in the air.

"We made it!" He yells, throwing his graduation cap in the air just as I follow.

Alison giggles, hugging me, scuffing up my head.

I wipe the dampness under my eyes since my tubes and cannula are gone.

Excitement and adrenaline runs through our brains and red and white confetti drops slowly down. "Oh my gosh, we graduated!" I exclaim again, looking up into the spiral of lights and applause.

"Yeah we did." Grayson replies, kissing the top of my head.

Alison clips, doing a small dance to herself. "What a year!"

"You still coming to the Grad party at my house?" Alison asks, swirling her gown in circles.

I think to myself, looking at both of their faces.

Grayson seems to be smiling either way but Alison has her hands together and a slight pout. "Pleaseeee?"

I sigh, running my hand through my hair. "O-Okay...."

"But I'm staying by your side at all times." Grayson says sternly, resting my cap back on my head. "Cutie." He chuckles, bopping my nose.


My eyes flutter open as light pours into Alison's windows.

I turn my head to see Alison laying chest down on her couch with her one arm dangling off the end.

Grayson's sleeps beside me, one arm around my neck and the other in his chest, snoring softly.

I only had one beer and I barely even finished it all. Grayson had a shot or 2 but not too much.

"Hey...." I whisper, shaking his chest lightly.

He don't answer, but grind to himself a little before going silent again.

I press his nose for 3 seconds making him splutter before opening his eyes. "Who-I-What?" He splitters, getting up.

"Hey, Baby." I giggle, puckering my lips.

He groans, laying back down and pulling the sheets up to his head again. "I'm tired. And...." he whines. "My head hurts..."

"You has one shot though?" Alison mumbles from the couch, rubbing her eyes.

Grayson stays quiet.

"Pussy." Alison coughs, laughing to herself as she gets up and walks towards her bathroom.

"Hey!" I yell. "That's my boyfriend. He might be a little soft....." I smile, getting a playful scowl from him.

"You love me." I grin, pushing my tongue out.

"I do." He murmurs, clicking his tongue. "Time?"

"11:39am." Alison replies from the bathroom, pulling her robe together.

"So... How do you guys like the new apartment?" She asks, pulling her hair into a ponytail.

"Oh! It's beautiful!" I gosh, shaking Grayson. "Oh my gosh, look at this Ali!" I exclaim, taking my phone from the nightstand.

Alison squeals taking a look at the pictures I took of the inside of me and Grayson's shared apartment.

I can't wait.

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