Chapter 1

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Ayame's POV:

"Ayame! Rise and shine dear!" I hear my mother call out. I groan and flutter my eyes open only to shut them again at the blinding light coming in through my open curtains. I look up at my mother and say, "Coming..." sleepily. Today's the day I begin Cross Academy, where there's a class for Vampires. I'm a Pureblood and I hate Kaname Kuran. Since the day we met, I had a bad feeling about him...I heard he's attending Cross Academy too, much to my dissapointment. I drag myself out of bed and into the bathroom. I do my usual morning routine and blast 5sos Social Casualty from my phone. I sing along occasionally as I dry my wet hair from the shower I just took. I put on a red corset top and black jeans with red and black sneakers. Satisfied with my clothes, I brush out my waist-length black hair, which turns red at the ends. People think it's dyed when I was just born with naturally dip-dyed hair, crazy I know. I look in the mirror and see black eyes looking back at me. I suddenly rush to my drawer and get out a black chocker to complete my look. I pick up my black leather bag and place it in the crease of my arm and walk down the stairs of the mansion. My family are wealthy, and so am I. Now, you might be thinking, how can a 16 year old be wealthy? Well, I'm a famous singer. Didn't expect that, did you?

"Ayame! Breakfast is ready!" My dad calls out. "I'm here." I say as I sit down and start eating. "Okay, I'm off to work, bye hon, bye Ayame." He says to my mom and I. "So, you excited?" My mom says with a smile on her face as she sits down and begins eating. "Well...I guess..." "If Kuran lays a finger on you..." She begins but I cut her off and say "If he dares to lay a finger on me, he'll get an ass kicking." I say with a grin, and my mom gladly grins back. I finish and put my plate in the sink just when we hear a horn outside. "That'll be my ride." I say to my mom as she frowns. "I'll miss you Ayame...come here." She says as she pulls me into a tight hug, which I happily return. "Bye mom, take care. I'll visit in the holidays. Bye!" I say and I climb into the sleek black limo. "Take care! Remember to call!" She yells out. I smile and turn to the driver. "Cross Academy." I state and off we go.

I doze off and before I know it, we're here. I get out as the driver gets out my luggage which had been placed there by my mother. The driver goes, leaving me with my suitcase and bag. I obviously have way more stuff, but my father sent them to my dorm in advance. As I make my way towards the gates, I notice two humans wearing a black uniform. A girl and boy. "Hi! You must be the new student! I'm Yuki Cross, I was adopted by the headmaster. And this is Zero Kiryu, don't worry, he's not as scary as he looks." A girl who strangely resembles Kuran says running up to me. Zero glares at her at that last bit and she giggles. I smile and say, "Hello, my name is Ayame Mikan. Nice to meet you." I say putting my hand out for her to shake, and she shakes back. I then turn to Zero and he just looks at me in disgust and turns away. That stung. Yuki, seeing my shocked expression says "Um...well, let me lead you in." and I say "Thank you Yuki" with a closed eye smile. We chat along the way and end up at the headmaster's office soon. Zero, not saying a word. Yuki opens the door for me and I thank her. "Ayame!" a man with light brown hair in a ponytail exclaims. "Hello again Kaien." I say, smiling. "These are my two prefects, Zero and Yuki, and here is your night class uniform." He says, handing me a white uniform. I can see Yuki looking shocked and say "Oh, did I not mention? I'm a vampire, but don't worry I'm not evil" I say and we both chuckle softly. "Ayame. I would like you to be a prefect too." Kaien says and as I was about to accept, Zero finally speaks up, but I wished he didn't. "What! That's outrageous! She's a blood-sucking monster and you want her to work alongside us!" He says and as I was about to say something, I was interrupted again by Kaien this time. "She is strong and Yuki could use her help, seeing as you never show up." He states and there's tension in the air. "Um...doesn't that mean Ayame will need a weapon?" Yuki says saying the first thing that comes to mind and I mouth "thank you" to her and she smiles at me back. "Ah yes, here Ayame, pick your weapon." Kaien says turning to me and showing me a box full of different anti-vampire weapons. I look at them all and choose two daggers. "Red dream and black dream. Good choice, well here's your band. Yuki, do you mind showing her to the Moon dorms?" Kaien says, handing me a band with the school logo on it and Yuki says, "Sure I will. Come with me Ayame." She says and I go with her as Zero stays behind. We continue chatting until we reach a large building and in front of it, a man lurking in the shadows. Yuki shows her band and she lets her pass.

She puts down my luggage and says goodbye and walks off. I grab my suitcase and kick the door open, since my hand were full. But I accidentally kicked it too hard and it went flying open. As I walk in, all eyes are on me, some glancing at the door which made a dent in the wall behind it. I didn't even kick it that hard anyway..."Hello. Nice to meet you all. My name is Ayame Mikan and I will be your new classmate." I say to a room of 6 aristocrat Vampires. They all quickly stand and bow down. "No need for formalities, just treat me like normal." I say with a smile and they all nod and say "Of course Lady Aya-...I mean, Ayame." They all say in unison. I giggle at this and say, "So, anyone care to show me my room?" and all the hands go up. After many little debates and quiet quarrels, it was decided that I would be shown around by Shiki Senri. They all introduced themselves before I left. "Nice to meet you. I hear you're quite popular with the humans too." Ichijo asks before I go to my room. "Yes, I'm a singer too." I smile as we said our goodbyes and I made 6 new friends already. On the way up the stairs and corridors, I try to make small talk with Shiki. "So, what's it like here?" I ask. "Fine." He replies. "Okay then, what do they teach the vampires here?" I ask. "Stuff." He replies. "Oh okay then?" I more questioned than said. He bites on a pocky stick in his mouth a bit too hard and the other half goes flying above us and was about to hit my eyes when I swiftly moved out the way. "How did you do that?" He asks, shocked. "Oh I dunno, just did." I replied and we were at the doorway to my room. "Well, thank you for showing me to my room Shiki. See you around." I say and was about to turn to go my room when I felt something go in my bag. I turn back and he was gone and I look down and see a box of Pocky neatly placed there. I smile and enter my room. I have a feeling this place is going to be epic.

A/N: Hai! Thanks for reading and please vote, and comment any ideas you have. Thank youuu ~

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