Chapter 16

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After a lecture of why I should leave Cross Academy, I agreed. I called up headmaster Cross, explaining that I shall be taking a break from school for a while. Turns out the Shiki family moved into a house next to us. My mother was fuming and my father was pissed. It's been about 2 days since I've seen Senri and it's getting quite lonely...I got up from my bed and took a quick shower. I then opened my closet and changed into a dress that had a crimson top with black glitter and a black skirt which was layered with crimson glitter at the end of every frill the layers created. I slipped on black flats with crimson jewels on them and brushed out my hair. I put on my black onyx tiara and pulled crimson netted arm gloves over my arms and walked downstairs, my black and crimson hair swaying behind me. It was normal for me to look like this. After all, I am a Purebloox princess.

My mother and father were downstairs whispering to each other about something. "Good morning okaasan, otosan." I say and reach the lounge where they were. They both look over at me and my father says "Morning Ayame. You should wear stuff like that even in front of humans. It suits you." I roll my eyes and smile at him. He smiles back and my mother throws a plate at me like a Frisbee. I catch it perfectly and she says "Ayame. Never let your guard down. Do you have your weapons on you?" I shake my head and say "I can summon them any time remember? Red dream and black dream are really slick daggers I must say..." I trail off as I summon my anti vampire weapons in my hands.

My mother smiles and looks down to the plate I put down on the table. It was breakfast. "Eat up Ayame." She says smiling and I finish eating and place my plate in the sink. I decide to go out to the garden since I have nothing else to do. I walk over to the roses and admire the different colours of the flower beds. Suddenly, I hear a door open and then close. I look over and see Senri with his mother and father all looking at me. "Stareing is rude." I bluntly say and walk over the edge of the fence. I can tell his mother is scared but she sticks her ground. "Mind explaining why you have a grudge against us?" I say. Rido steps in "Lady Ayame Mikan. Pure blood Princess. Your mother has insulted my wife. She had called her a pig at the ball our family went to. Apparently you refused since you had a concert for the humans. Senri was even there with my wife when your mother had said that." I look at Senri and he looks at me. Silence is heard. "Isn't that right Senri?" His mother asks.

Senri just shrugs and Rido looks like he's gonna blow. "Senri!" Rido says through gritted teeth. Senri just looks away. He suddenly walks to the edge of the fence and says to me "I'm bored. Wanna go for a walk?" I smile and nod. "Mother and father of Senri, I am a pure blood don't forget. I just read both your minds and I know for a fact that you're lying about my mother. If this idiotic matter is not solved by the time Senri and I are back, I will take action. Seeing as you are fully aware that I was born with exceptional powers and not to mention my amazing combat skills, you do not want to mess with me. This world has yet to see my full powers." They stand there gaping and I can sense my parents behind me smirking. Senri jumps over the fence and picks me up bridal style. He jumps over my house and sets me down. We link arms and walk away joking around and laughing.

Rido's POV

My son leaves with Lady Ayame Mikan and her mother speaks up. "You don't feel like the people I know." Of course we're the same. What is she on about? Her father comes and raises his hand at me. I fall to the ground and cry in pain and before falling unconscious I see my wife do the same.

I woke up hours later in the Mikan house. "What are we doing here? What happened?" My wife says and the Mikan couple come up to us. "You were under a spell. Some sort of black magic to make us turn against you. Whoever did it must have something against both our families. Guard your son, for an evil will be coming for both him and our daughter." Her father says and I nod, recalling all the events that happened. "Oh my! I remember that I called you obnoxious! I'm so sorry! I had no control over myself! Can we start again and we friends again?" My wife says to her mother and they both hug and become friends again. I shake hands with her father and the four of us over to my house for some tea.

"It seems like our children have fallen in love." Her mother says and we all look out the window to see Senri linking arms with Ayame walking to the front door.

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