Chapter 19

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I started packing and once I was done, I walked out to the huge balcony attached to my bedroom and saw Senri there staring at the sky

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I started packing and once I was done, I walked out to the huge balcony attached to my bedroom and saw Senri there staring at the sky. The moon was shining on him and he looked really handsome. Wait, what am I saying!?!? I saw Senri look over to me and I waved. He nodded back and we both walked back into our houses. I changed into my PJs and went to sleep.

I woke up and turned to face look at the time. 5:00 am. I got up and took a shower and stuff. I brushed out my hair and put it in a ponytail (picture above). I got out my red and black dress and slipped on the heels and arm gloves. I then picked out a random black onyx tiara and put it on. I have 106,284 tiaras but I leave them all here at home. I am a pure blood princess after all. I walked downstairs to see my parents there. I said my good mornings and walked to the gardens. I was looking at the roses when I accidentally pricked my finger. I saw my parents teleport in front of me, looking worried.

"I just pricked my finger..." I mumbled sheepishly and my mother said "The driver will be here to take you back to Cross Academy at 9:15. Be prepared to be surrounded by humans. Oh and don't wear your tiara there. They don't know you're a princess." I nodded and my father sighed and walked back inside. My mother walked up to me and said "Senri Shiki. When you both get married, make sure to have two kids. A girl and a boy. So they can get married and won't have to go through the hassle you're going through." I say "It depends on if they want to get married or not really. Hey wait. KIDS!? OKAASAN!!!" I blush and she giggles like a little girl and walks back inside. I look at the time and see that it's 7:45. I eat breakfast and call my agent.

"Hey can you send out note that I will be taking a break from singing until New Years Day."

"Sure. Any reason?"

"Not really I just want to focus on my studies more for a while."

My agent agrees and I end the call. "Ayame." My father says. I turn around and he throws a dagger at me. I dodge, let it pass but spin around and grip the end of the dagger before throwing it towards him. "Yeah?" I reply. "You're getting better." He says and smiles. I smile back and see that I have 45 minutes until the driver comes. I get bored and call the driver to come now. I say goodbye to my parents and leave. It's not the first time I'm leaving so it's not really anything big. I take off my tiara and place it on the table and climb into the limo. The driver gets in and starts driving as I wave goodbye to my parents. Before I know it I fall asleep...

Senri's POV

I still can't believe that Ayame and I are engaged. When we were on the walk yesterday, we went to a forest like place and stared at the sunset. It was nice and I felt something strange in my chest every time she talked. What is this? I see her get into a limo and realise she probably wasn't patient enough to wait for the limo to come later. I smile to myself a bit and hear my father from behind me. (A/N: RIDO ISN'T EVIL IN THIS STORY) "Thinking about her?" Damn I've been caught...


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