Chapter 2

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Sunset light fills my room as my eyes flutter open and I realise I fell asleep. Heh heh...oops...Looks like I have an hour left before class starts. I get up and take a quick shower, put on my new uniform and put my hair into a ponytail, bringing the ends of it the front. As I was about to leave, I hear a knock at my door and as I open it, I see Akatsuki Kain there. "Lady Ayame, we're about to leave." He states as I smile at him and close the door behind me. As we make our way down the staircase, I feel a gaze on me but I shrug it off. "Lady Ayame, since you're new, you'll be at the front." I hear Kaname say. A few vampires gasp and start whispering about why he called me Lady. Akatsuki lightly nudges me and says "See you later..." I nod and walk to the front beside Kaname. The whispering isn't stopping and I'm sick of it. "He called me Lady because my family's bloodline has been running far longer than his, making me superior to him." I say turning my head and the room falls quiet. I see Rima finding it amusing, Shiki with a slight smile, Akatsuki looking impressed, Ruka with her normal expression, Takuma smiling and Aido just shocked. The double doors in front of us open by two random vampires and the deafening sound of screaming erupted. "IT'S AYAME MIKAN!!!" I heard them all scream louder. Poor Yuki was pushed over and all the fangirls and fanboys came rushing at me, trapping me and shoving all the other Night class students out the way. "What!? I thought they loved me..." Aido sobs. "CAN WE HAVE AN AUTOGRAPH! PLEASE! OMG! IT'S HER! EEEEK!!!" They all scream. I pull a strained smile "I really must be getting to class now. Thank you for loving my music." I say and they all pull back instantly. "Oh sorry Ayame!" "Thank you, and no problem. See you all later." I say smiling and walk over to join the rest of the Night Class students. "Wow, they love you more than they love Aido." Rima says, coming to my right. "I sweatdrop and glance at the fake-crying Aido in front of me. "Uhh...oops" I say and Rima smiles. She's really nice now that I know her. 

We eventually reached class and Aido stopped crying about his beloved fans. The door opened and I took a seat next to Takuma. We all began chatting for a while (Takuma, Shiki, Ruka, Rima, Akatsuki, Aido and I while Kaname was silently looking out the window). "Alright vampires." a deep voice says and everyones heads turned. Toga Yagari! "Yagari!" I say and everyone looks at me. "Oh hey there shrimp." He says. "Y-you know each other?" Takuma asks me. "Yeah, we've met at a few vampire hunter meetings. I'm a vampire hunter but I only kill those who deserve to be killed." I say and everyone just looks at me. "On with the lesson." He says breaking the silence and starting the lesson. He drones on about boring stuff and I start to zone out. I look out the window and see Zero there glaring at me. I didn't hold back. I glared right back at him. I'm done trying to be his friend if he's gonna treat me like dirt. "Class over." He says and I turn my attention back to class. As he picks up his briefcase, Kaname's guard throws a dagger at him, but her aim is quite poor and it landed right above his shoulder. He then leaves quickly and we all leave soon after. 

~ Time skip to after class ~

We all chat and head to our rooms to get changed. It's now day so most of us fell asleep. The only ones awake were Shiki, Rima, Ruka and I. I changed into black denim shorts, and a crimson silk tank top with crimson boots and a black leather jacket. I took my hair out the ponytail and brushed it out, leaving my straight hair to flow freely. I made my way downstairs, I was going to go for a walk around campus when I see Shiki, Rima and Ruka in the lounge. "I'm going out for a walk, see you guys." I say about to leave when Ruka says "With all your fans, you'll probably be bombarded the moment one sees you." And I smile at her "Probably but nothing I'm not used to." I say turning around to face her. "How do you stand all your privacy being invaded all the time?" Rima asks. "I'm used to it I guess. Nothing out of the ordinary." I say. "I could never handle that..." Shiki says and I smile at him. "I'm leaving now, if I don't come back in while, send help. I was probably kidnapped by a group of fanboys." I joke and Rima and Ruka laugh while Shiki looks generally worried. "Will do." Shiki says and I smile at them and leave. It was day time and all the Day class were in class. Lucky! I plug in my earphones and listen to Taylor Swift Love Story. I wander around for a while and stop when I reach a fountain. I sit on the edge of it and stare up to the sky, taking out my earphones and listening to the sounds of the day.I I suddenly feel a gun being aimed at me. Zero. "Hello Zero." I say as his grip on the gun gets tighter and he turns to me and says "Vampire. What are you doing here." He says with venom dripping from his voice.

"I don't have to do answer that. You don't own me." I say throwing him a glare as he gets thrown back a few feet thanks to my powers. He shoots, but I dodge it. "You have really bad aim." I say nonchalantly. "DIE!!!" He says as I glare at him and say "Why." More of a statement than a question. He was getting pissed. "Your kind doesn't deserve to exist." He says. I just stare at him in the eyes, trying to figure out what he has against vampires. Oh my gosh. My powers worked and I saw it...He glares at me and I glare back. Suddenly, he shoots again, grazing my shoulder. All of a sudden, a red whip hits Zero and I grip my bloodied shoulder and fall to my knees. All the night class are behind Zero. Rima, Ruka and Takuma came rushing to me and begin putting a bandage on my shoulder. Kaname's eyes turn red and Zero gets shoved back about 20 feet. I thank them and turn and walked over to Zero, who was now on the ground. Shiki comes to stand beside me and glares at Zero harshly. As sad as his past is, he still injured me and I'm not having that. I grab his neck and flash my eyes at him. "Don't worry, I'll return the favour." I say and grab his Bloody Rose and shoot his shoulder. "Lady Ayame, shall we go?" I hear Shiki say. "You can call me Ayame, no need for formalities." I say smiling at him and we walk away, leaving Zero on the ground. 

Vampire Knight Shiki Senri Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now