Chapter 21

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"Whenever your tattoos meet, you transform into who you truly are

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"Whenever your tattoos meet, you transform into who you truly are. Senri here already has himself figured out so he didn't change. Ayame, you are lost deep down. That's why these tattoos came to you both now. When you were born, your grandfather had placed a spell on you. The spell was that when you and your destined one meet and become engaged, if you still do not know yourself, these tattoos will help you figure it out. The changed from last time. Look." My father told me and he lifted mine and Senri's wrists. He was right, they had changed to roses. I had a blue rose whilst Senri had a red rose. "Sorry for dragging you into this Senri..." I said and I turned to him. He looked at me and said "No problem. I would like to help you find your true self. But you're always stunning so I guess it's up to you but I'll be with you every step of the way." I smiled and he leaned in. I leaned in too and our faces were centimetres apart when we heard a loud cough.

I turned to see my grandfather and so I turned back to my parents and they were looking slightly annoyed for my grandfather to ruin the moment. "GRANDFATHER!" I yelled and ran to hug him. "'ve grown. Has your destined one tried anything yet?" He replied. I blushed and Senri and my parents chuckled while Senri walked over to me. "Nice to meet you. My name is-" Senri started but my grandfather interrupted "Senri Shiki. Nice to meet you too. Just call me grandfather. Sorry for getting you involved but I needed a stage of her life where she would be mature enough to handle this." Senri just nodded and I stepped forward to stand next to him and said "I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU SINCE I WAS 6! THAT WAS 11 YEARS AGO! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?" my grandfather just shrugged and our parents sweat dropped. "Well. See you later Ayame." My grandfather said before teleporting somewhere. A vein pops from my forehead as Senri just watches smiling slightly and my parents try to calm me down. "Well we should be leaving soon. Thank you for having us. Bye." Senri's mother says before quickly grabbing her husband and leaving. My father was forced out by my mother. Leaving only Senri and I. "Want to try transform again?" Senri said and I said "Sure." We joined our wrists and we were both envoloped in a bright light again. I opened my eyes after a while to see my dress was a light blue and I felt a tiara on my head. I turned to look at my reflection in the waterfall and saw that my hair had become an ombre blue. (A/N: PICTURES OF ALL THAT AT THE TOP) "You look nice. As always." Senri says to me and I turn to look at him and see a streak of his hair an electric blue. "Your hair..." I said and he looked at his reflection in the waterfall. He looked shocked but smiled after. "I guess we'll always be linked together somehow." He said and we leaned in. We closed our eyes and our faces were around 2 centimetres away.

We closed the gap and kissed. It was deep and passionate. I fell for someone I thought I wouldn't. But I love him. And nothing will ever change that. When our kiss broke, it was sunset. "Ayame. I love you." Senri says to me and I smile and say to him "I love you too." We smile and look up to see its almost sunset. Senri grabs my hand and teleports us to the Academy lounge where everyone in the night class are. Everyone just stares at us wide-eyed with her jaws dropped. "Well, hello. Senri and I are engaged. Long story." I said, explaining their silent questions. They all nodded and Kuran stood from his seat. "Lady Ayame. This will cause a fuss. It would be easier if you had engaged me." Kuran says to me.

I opened my mouth, about to retort and injure him, but Senri beat me to it. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me towards him and said the most memorable words "Back off. She's mine and I love her with every part of my heart. She clearly doesn't want to be with you. Nothing and nobody will change my love for her. She feels the same way because the love we have isn't chosen or forced upon us, our love will never be broken. Remember that." I looked up at him and saw him look down at me signalling that I may hurt him now. I smirked and turned around to see the rest of the night class looking scared. Akatsuki grabbed Hanabusa and Ruka and pulled them back. Takuma put his hand on Rima's shoulder and she nodded and they both moved to a side. Sieren looked at me in fear and I said "Stay back."

I let my deathly aura out and Senri let me go. I get to release all my hatred towards Kaname Kuran...

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